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LCMS Communications

Thrivent gives $165,000 to train future school administrators

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans has awarded a $165,000 grant to develop a training program for potential Lutheran school administrators. The program, known as Administrative Candidates Training Seminars” (ACTS) is “designed to help the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, The Lutheran Church–Missouri…

Anonymous donor gives Ann Arbor $1 million gift

Concordia University, Ann Arbor, Mich., has received a $1 million anonymous grant to be used for scholarships. A university news release dated March 12 said the donor “is a strong proponent of Lutheran Christian education, and has designated the dollars to…

Mission society opens Baltimore `guest house`

Families from out of town who need a place to stay in Baltimore while a loved one is treated at Johns Hopkins Hospital or at another medical facility there now have an option that is free of charge. The Lutheran Mission…

World Mission cancels New Directions conference

LCMS World Mission, which has sponsored its “New Directions” mission conference annually for more than 10 years, has cancelled this year’s event, which was scheduled for April 29-May 2 in St. Louis. The Synod’s mission board is hosting a series of…

Registration now open for LutherHostel

Registration is open for the Oct. 2-5 LutherHostel 2004 at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.  A seminary news release describes LutherHostel as “an educational event for adults age 55 and above.”  Dr. R. Reed Lessing, assistant professor of exegetical theology at…

Members say network helps family ministry

The new Lutheran Family Ministry Network had signed up more than 30 charter members as this Reporter went to press.  A story in the February Reporter announced its formation. “As I read about what it offered, I realized the network…

Pressure Points with Dr. Bruce Hartung

Influence and power are used for personal agendas.  Those who don’t go along are disparaged and disregarded.  Useful projects also are done, but in part perhaps, simply to cover the more insidious agenda.  The way is littered with people who…

CPH offers VBS planning tips

Want to make sure your congregation and community hear about your vacation Bible school? Here are five tips for effective VBS publicity from Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis: Encourage open invitations — provide fliers to your congregation’s children and ask them…

LFC is like `mission work,` say volunteers

When Dave and Nina Lett sold their four-bedroom house in Englewood, Ohio, three years ago and moved into a fifth-wheel trailer-home full time, it seemed like the sensible thing to do. “When you’re not at home, you can’t do the maintenance,”…

St. Louis sem receives accreditation extension

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, President John F. Johnson got word from two accrediting agencies last month that the seminary is receiving a 10-year extension of its accreditation, with no notations. That is “the highest level of accreditation renewal possible,” says a…

''Letters'' April 2004

Let the Spirit guide delegates  Does the LCMS believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is really in charge of His body, the Church, or does it not?  We speak of the “divine call” to serve as pastor, teacher, DCE, district…

Congregations nominate for vice presidents two through five

LCMS Secretary Raymond Hartwig March 26 announced the names of the 20 ordained ministers who will be on the ballot at this summer’s Synod convention for election as second through fifth vice president of the Synod. This year’s convention will be…

Items wanted, available

Note:  Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to purchase.  Items described as “Wanted” or “Available” are sought or may be obtained for shipping costs only. Wanted 75 Lutheran Worship hymnals.  Pastor Timothy Ludwig; (218)…

Calls for Nominations

Chief Administrative OfficerLCMS Board of Directors The LCMS Board of Directors (BOD) seeks nominations of candidates for the position of chief administrative officer (CAO).  The CAO acts on behalf of the Board, specifically serving as the Board’s representative and staff person…

Requests for Reinstatement

 RUSSELL L. HORN, Bremerton, Wash., and DOUGLAS R. WILLIAMS, Santa Rosa, Calif., have applied for reinstatement to the Minister of Religion-Ordained roster of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.  PAUL E. LARSEN, Tomball, Texas, and LORI A. MARSH, Georgetown, Texas, have applied…

Congregations nominate president, first vice president slates

By David L. Mahsman The names of the nominees who will be on the ballot for Synod president and first vice president at this summer’s Synod convention were announced March 22 by Synod Secretary Raymond Hartwig. The nominees for Synod president…