Tonight’s Divine Service at the America’s Center Convention Complex in St. Louis is the opening event of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s (LCMS) 65th Regular Convention. The service will focus on the convention theme, “Baptized for This Moment,” based on Acts 2:38-39.
ZZ-Press Release

65th LCMS convention set for July 20-25 in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, July 13, 2013—More than 3,500 Lutherans are expected to attend the upcoming 65th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). Meeting under the theme “Baptized for This Moment” at the America’s Center Convention Complex in St. Louis July 20-25, the convention serves as the principal legislative assembly for the church body. Along with the consideration of some 116 resolutions, the convention includes opportunities for worship and fellowship.

Harrison elected to second term as LCMS president
ST. LOUIS, July 6, 2013—The Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison has been elected to his second term as president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS).

National LCMS Youth Gathering generates $30 million in local economic impact, leaves tangible legacy of service
SAN ANTONIO, July 5, 2013—“Live Love[d],” the 12th triennial National LCMS Youth Gathering (Gathering), closing today in San Antonio, will contribute $30 million to the local economy, according to figures released by the city’s convention and visitors bureau, and leave a tangible legacy of service to local and national organizations.

Independence Day celebrations part of the National LCMS Youth Gathering experience
The 25,000 young people and adult leaders in San Antonio for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s (LCMS) National Youth Gathering (Gathering) will participate in the nation’s annual Independence Day celebration.

National LCMS Youth Gathering will serve more than 100 local charities, nonprofits
Toting supplies in their bright blue backpacks, youth participants in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s (LCMS) National Youth Gathering (Gathering) will fan out across San Antonio Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to take part in more than 100 service projects benefiting local churches, schools, parks, health care facilities and other service organizations that provide child and family care and counseling, housing and meals for those in need.

LCMS saddened by U.S. Supreme Court ruling on constitutionality of marriage laws
ST. LOUIS, June 26, 2013—In reaction to the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling announced today regarding the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act and leaving in place a declaration that California’s Proposition 8 is unconstitutional, the Rev. Bart Day, executive director of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Office of National Mission, issued this response.

Missouri Synod National Youth Gathering begins Monday, July 1
ST. LOUIS, June 24, 2013—“Live Love[d],” the 12th triennial National LCMS Youth Gathering (Gathering), begins Monday in San Antonio. The Gathering, which is The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s single largest event, brings together young people between the ages of 14-19 to spend time in worship, learning and service.

KFUO Radio set to begin broadcasting from new studios in Kirkwood, Mo., Monday, June 24
The world’s oldest continuously operating Christian radio station, has moved its studios to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s International Center in Kirkwood, Mo. The new studios will be dedicated during a special worship service at the International Center’s chapel, followed by a rite of blessing in the studios.

Missouri Synod Lutherans host live Twitter chat on marriage
ST. LOUIS, June 17, 2013—The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is planning its first-ever tweet chat and is encouraging its members and church workers to join Lutheran leaders in a discussion about God’s intention for marriage.

Ready. Set. Go! LCMS sends 38 new missionaries to the four corners
Special “sending service” for 38 new Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) missionaries being sent to the four corners of the globe.

LCMS names three deaconesses to new positions in International, National Mission offices
ST. LOUIS, June 8, 2013—Three deaconesses recently began serving in newly created positions at The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) International Center in St. Louis.

Schave named associate executive director, LCMS Office of International Mission
ST. LOUIS, June 7, 2013—The Rev. Steven D. recently began serving as associate executive director at The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) Office of International Mission (OIM).

LCMS joins in releasing “An Affirmation of Marriage”
ST. LOUIS, June 6, 2013—Seeking to provide clarity and express mutual agreement on what Scripture teaches about marriage and sexuality, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod released “An Affirmation of Marriage” May 24 that also is signed by leaders of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), Lutheran Church—Canada (LCC) and the North American Lutheran Church (NALC).

Schmidt named director of LCMS School Ministry
ST. LOUIS, May 28, 2013—Terry L. Schmidt has been named director of School Ministry for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) effective July 1.

Lutheran Housing Support awarded $55,000 in tax credits
LCMS National Housing Support Corp. (LHS) has been awarded a $55,000 tax credit allocation through the Missouri Housing Development Commission’s Affordable Housings Assistance Program (AHAP). The credits will be used to expand LHS’ affordable housing development efforts in the College Hill neighborhood of North St. Louis.