LWML mission grants support life, youth, church work recruitment

LWML President Eden Keefe presented three grant checks after chapel at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis on March 7.

Response plan underway in Chile

The plan includes providing 40,000 meals to underserved families in Viña del Mar.

Worker wellness coalition meets for sharing, planning

The Ministerial Care Coalition gathered in Florida March 3–5.

If Christ had not been raised

To confess Christ crucified is not to ignore the resurrection.

Hybrid conference a ‘joyful conversation’ about stewardship

There is no cost to attend the conference, which offers both online and in-person options.

Until the Lord comes: Everyone a church work recruiter

As the SAS team plans for the coming year, it has developed three major areas of emphasis.

Campus ministry staff to gather in May

The LCMS U Campus Ministry Staff Conference is set for May 29–30 at Luther Memorial Chapel in Shorewood, Wis.

From the mission field: Building community in Puerto Rico

Late last year, a short-term volunteer team traveled to Puerto Rico to assist with a building project in Mayaguez.

Reporter at 50: From newsletter to newspaper

Celebrating 50 years of Reporter, the official newspaper of the LCMS.

Buoyed by hope: March ‘Lutheran Witness’

The March issue is about the hope we have in Christ.

‘More than just the building’: Restoring a church in Panama

Due to a series of catastrophic events, the sanctuary of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Balboa, Panama, had become unusable.

Campus clips: DCEs, counselors and pharmacists

Updates from LCMS day schools, universities and seminaries.

‘Anchored in Christ’: Finding hope during trials

The Anchored in Christ curriculum offers the hope, comfort and peace of Christ during times of disaster and other crises.

Lutherans offer Christ’s comfort after Iowa school shooting

Two LCMS congregations joined with two LCMS Recognized Service Organizations to provide Gospel hope and healing to the suffering.

Schiebel grant program supports black, inner-urban context

The grant program is funded by the Rev. Dr. William A. Schiebel Endowment.

‘The righteous shall live by faith’: Planting a Lutheran church in Rome

As interest in Lutheran teaching has increased in Italy, the LCMS has sought to respond.