O Lord, grant justice in Your left-hand kingdom, especially in the governments of this nation and of all the earth. Correct wrong. Punish and thwart evil, and especially racist evil.
Statements & Letters
Missouri Synod missionaries from across U.S. accept calls to serve abroad
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has announced 10 missionaries accepting calls to serve in seven countries around the globe. The Synod’s newest missionaries serve in Germany, the Czech Republic, the Dominican Republic, Hong Kong, Peru, Spain and Uganda.
Lutheran Hope Center, Community Empowerment Center of Ferguson – Grand Opening on July 26
ST. LOUIS — The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) will have clergy on hand representing the Lutheran Hope Center, part of the Community Empowerment Center of Ferguson, during the grand opening of the new facility which begins 10 a.m. July 26 at 9420 West Florissant Ave.
Rev. Bart Day accepts call to be Lutheran Church Extension Fund CEO and president
The Rev. Bart Day, executive director of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod’s Office of National Mission, has accepted a call to become President and CEO of the Lutheran Church Extension Fund.
Missouri Synod announces Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty leader
ST. LOUIS — The Rev. Dr. Gregory P. Seltz, speaker for “The Lutheran Hour” radio program since 2011, has accepted the call to be the first executive director of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s new Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty (LCRL).
Lutheran leader offers press interviews as 500th anniversary of the Reformation approaches
Rev. Harrison is available for interviews regarding the Reformation now through Oct. 31, as the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation approaches.
LCMS President Harrison comments after ruling in Judge Neely case
Wyoming Supreme Court censures local judge for her faith-based marriage view but allows her to remain municipal court judge.
Missouri Synod Lutherans join St. Louis Archdiocese in opposing Board Bill 203
The Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, a national church body of 2 million members headquartered in St. Louis County, joins the Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson, Archbishop of St. Louis, in opposing Board Bill 203, a proposed ordinance to amend the existing antidiscrimination law of the City of St. Louis. The aim of this Bill is to add “pregnancy and reproductive health decisions as protected classes.”
LCMS letter to U.S. Secretary of Defense: Protecting religious freedom for our troops
The LCMS has submitted a formal request to the Secretary of Defense to ensure specific protections for chaplains, service members, medical personnel, DoD civilians and other DoD-affiliated employees, per the recently mandated LGBT Pride Month and the new DoD policies on transgender service members, which include in-service gender transitions while serving in the military.
LCMS, LCC and NALC Leaders Release Joint Statement on Scripture
As an important step forward in the ongoing consultation between representatives of the Lutheran Church—Canada (LCC), The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) and the North American Lutheran Church (NALC), the participants who represented the three church bodies are releasing their joint statement on Holy Scripture, “God’s Word Forever Shall Abide: A Guiding Statement on the Character and Proper Use of the Sacred Scriptures.”
Harrison Reacts to Texas Abortion Clinic Ruling
Synod President reflects on High Court ruling invalidating Texas law protecting the health and safety of expectant mothers and their babies.
FAQs address issues raised by former CCM members
An open letter to the Synod by three former members of the Commission on Constitutional Matters (CCM) has recently been widely disseminated.
President Harrison provides a Lutheran view of church and state
Dear Brothers in the Office of the Ministry, “I thank my God in all my…
LCMS, LCC and ACNA release interim report on ecumenical dialogue
The LCMS, the Lutheran Church–Canada and the Anglican Church in North America have released an interim report on ecumenical dialogue that began in 2010.
A statement from President Harrison on the death of Justice Scalia
We have received the news of the death of Justice Scalia with deep shock. On the moral issues, on which The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has taken a public stand (life, marriage and religious freedom), we and all creedal and biblically oriented Christians had no more stalwart friend on the Supreme Court than Justice Scalia.
Report on the 2012-15 Meetings of ELS, LCMS, and WELS Leaders
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Synod have released a report on informal dialogue between the synods that began in 2012.