ST. LOUIS, May 14, 2013—A landmark ecumenical summit on “Biblical Teaching on Marriage and Sexuality” featuring church leaders from the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), Lutheran Church-Canada (LCC), North American Lutheran Church (NALC) and The Lutheran Church―Missouri Synod (LCMS).took place May 3-5, 2013, at Church of the Holy Communion, Dallas.
Press Releases

LCMS Virtual Life Conference offers pro-life education, advocacy resources
ST. LOUIS, May 7, 2013—The LCMS Virtual Life Conference is live! The new Web resource makes it easy for those who missed or want to re-live the first-ever Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) Life Conference and get the information from the conference.

Registration drive opens for ‘LCMS U’ network
ST. LOUIS, May 6, 2013—On practically every college campus there are challenges to the biblical worldview, doctrine, ethics and practices. LCMS U, the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s new campus-ministry network, will serve to connect and support Lutheran Christian students, congregations and campus ministries, so that students are equipped to boldly bear witness to Christ on their college campuses.

New free resources teach ‘A Simple Way to Pray’
ST. LOUIS, May 1, 2013—The blessings of prayer are infinite; the way to pray is simple. Two new resources, a free two-part Bible study and a video, from The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) provide an introduction to Martin Luther’s “A Simple Way to Pray,” which offers instruction on how to pray.

LCMS encourages special prayer on World Malaria Day, April 25
ST. LOUIS, April 22, 2013—In observation of World Malaria Day, Thursday, April 25, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) through the Lutheran Malaria Initiative is encouraging its members and all concerned individuals to remember those suffering from malaria by praying a special prayer.

LCMS ‘National Offering’ designated for ‘Witness, Mercy, Life Together’ work
ST. LOUIS, April 19, 2013—Congregations and individual members of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) are invited to take part in the church’s life and work in a personal way: by participating in the 2013 National Offering.

Three candidates on ballot for Missouri Synod president
ST. LOUIS, April 16, 2013—The names of three men will appear on the ballot for Synod president during voting to be conducted this June in advance of the 65th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, held in July.

You can help ‘Orange Out Malaria!’ with the Lutheran Malaria Initiative
ST. LOUIS, April 15, 2013 – Every April 25, the world observes World Malaria Day. This year, from April 21-27, Lutherans across the United States will come together to “Orange Out Malaria!” as part of the Lutheran Malaria Initiative (LMI).

Planners announce date for National LCMS 2016 Youth Gathering
ST. LOUIS, April 11, 2013—Save the date! The 13th triennial Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) National Youth Gathering (Gathering) is set for July 16–20, 2016. The location for the event will be revealed at this summer’s Gathering in San Antonio.

Missouri Synod President sends Eastertide greeting
ST. LOUIS, April 1, 2013—In a new, three-and-a-half-minute Eastertide video greeting, the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, shares the message of St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 15, a chapter on what the Resurrection means.

Walther League reunion raises $3,400 for Walther Mausoleum
ST. LOUIS, March 4, 2013—Alumni of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Walther League, the church’s former youth organization, have gathered in Frankenmuth, Mich., for a reunion for the last 28 years.

Missouri Synod’s School Ministry director wins Lutheran education top honor
ST. LOUIS, February 28, 2013—William “Bill” Cochran, director of School Ministry for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), will receive the Christus Magister Award, the Lutheran Education Association’s (LEA) top honor. Since 1965, the Christus Magister Award has been presented to Lutheran educators who have made significant contributions to Lutheran education.

New Missouri Synod report offers ‘framework’ for addressing immigration
ST. LOUIS, February 25, 2013—Raise the subject of immigration and be prepared for a spirited debate. Christians who hold to the Scriptures can have varying personal and political views about the best ways to compassionately care for and serve those who come to live in the United States from other countries. A new report, “Immigrants Among Us,” by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR) offers theological guidance from a Lutheran perspective for thinking through immigration issues and some practical guidance for ministering to immigrants.

Exhibitor applications available for Missouri Synod triennial convention
ST. LOUIS, February 22, 2013—This summer’s Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) 65th Regular Convention offers an exciting opportunity for exhibitors to showcase their programs, products and services to approximately 3,500 attendees representing the 2.3 million members of the Synod who are expected to attend. The convention will be held July 20-25 at the America’s Center Convention Complex in St. Louis.

‘Baptized for This Moment’ convention-themed Bible study available
ST. LOUIS, February 22, 2013—In preparation for this summer’s 65th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), a special Bible study that relates to the convention theme, “Baptized for This Moment,” is now available.

Fiedler named new president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Foundation
ST. LOUIS, February 11, 2013—The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) Foundation has named David Fiedler its new president effective Feb. 12.