Ebola-like virus threatens Lutherans in Sudan

Prayers are being requested for the people of Yambio, a community in southern Sudan that is home to some members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sudan (ELCS). In an e-mail to LCMS World Mission staff dated May 20, ELCS…

Seminaries, colleges give spring honorary degrees, awards

The Reporter Web site periodically lists those who have received honorary degrees and awards from colleges, universities and seminaries of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod and Lutheran Church–Canada.   Individuals who have received such honors so far this year, most of them…

Nominees for president address issues (Questions 3 and 4)

Question 3. For the past triennium, the participation of an LCMS district president in the post-9/11 “A Prayer for America” at Yankee Stadium has been a subject of controversy and discussion in the Synod.  How can a member of the…

Nominees for president address issues (Questions 1 and 2)

Reporter asked the five nominees for LCMS president to answer in writing a series of questions related to issues facing the Synod, including some that will come before next month’s Synod convention. Here are their answers: Question 1. Ablaze!, reflected…