The following people have accepted new positions with LCMS-related organizations.
- Rev. Phillip Pledger will be installed in March as executive direct
or of Lutheran Braille Workers (LBW) Inc., Yucaipa, Calif. Pledger has served the past 10 years as pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Yucaipa and now succeeds Loyd Coppenger as head of LBW. The organization provides free braille and large-print devotional materials in 35 languages to visually impaired people worldwide. For information, visit its Web site.
- Dr. David R. Schm
itt is the new Gregg H. Benidt Memorial Endowed Chair in Homiletics and Literature at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Schmitt, the seminary’s assistant professor of practical theology since 1995, follows Dr. Dean Nadasdy and Dr. Dale A. Meyer in the post. Established by a $1.5 million gift, the endowed chair supports a full-time faculty member who teaches courses in homiletics, literature, and related disciplines, and acts as a resource for the church-at-large through writing, speaking, and conducting workshops and symposia.
Posted Feb. 23, 2006