Concordia Publishing House has introduced more than two dozen new books for the fall and Christmas seasons.
New items include:
- the Golden Anniversary Edition of Little Visits with God ($12.99, item no. 06-1325), by Allan Hart Jahsmann and Martin P. Simon, a devotional for children ages 7 to 10 celebrating 50 years of the popular title.
- The Real Story of the Creation ($16.99, item no. 56-2407), by Paul L. Maier, a picture book offering a scriptural account for ages 8 and older.
- Bible Word Sudoku ($10.99, item no. 12-4302), by Carol Molski, a puzzle book for children ages 8 to 14.
- Wiggles and Squiggles: 60 Bible-Based Classroom Games and Activities ($10.99, item no. 12-4303), by various authors, a teaching resource of board games, memory games, indoor/outdoor games, and other activities that are designed to help teach children ages 4 to 11 Bible stories such as The Creation, Noah and the Flood, and The Great Commission.
- Church Banner Designs: 72 Unique Ideas Using Calico, Batik, and Other Cotton Prints ($10.99, item no. 12-4297), by Joyce Bowers, with dozens of reproducible patterns for church banners.
- Chosen! Won! Devotions for Teens by Teens ($8.99, item no. 12-4284), by various teen authors, is designed to bring teenagers closer to God through the writings of their peers.
- Reading the Psalms with Luther ($14.99, item no. 12-4304), with psalms for individual and family devotions, features introductions by Martin Luther.
- Marriage is Like Dancing ($14.99, item no. 12-4291), by Richard
C. Eyer, covers a variety of issues from contemplating marriage to the death of a spouse and can be used as a counseling tool.
- Jonah ($42.99, item no. 15-6046), the newest Concordia Commentary by R. Reed Lessing, discusses missions, Baptism, and prayer.
- The Baptism of Your Child ($6.99, item no. 14-2133), by Thomas E. Fast and Carla H. Fast, is designed to show parents how to prepare for Baptism and how to serve as faith instructors to their children.
- What Happened to Merry Christmas? ($14.99, item no. 56-2426), by Robert C. Baker, is designed to teach children ages 5 and older the real meaning of Jesus’ birth and the celebration that surrounds it.
To order or learn more about any of the above items, contact CPH at (800) 325-3040 or visit its Web site at Prices quoted do not include shipping charges.
Posted Aug. 10, 2007