June 25-28
Addison, Texas
Elected: ![texas-conv-hennings.gif]()
Rev. Ken Hennings of Austin, Texas, president, second term, by acclamation.
Dr. Robert Preece, Dallas, first vice president.
Rev. Ralph Hobratschk, Friendswood, Texas, second vice president.
Rev. David Schroder, Austin, third vice president.
Rev. Dale Snyder, Wichita Falls, Texas, fourth vice president.
Hennings will be installed as president Sept. 6 in Austin; installation dates for the vice presidents have not yet been finalized.
Under the theme of “Reaching, Receiving, Refreshing,” from Phil. 1:6-7, delegates to the 58th convention of the Texas District voted to encourage:
congregations to promote and support Frontera Ministry, a joint effort of the Texas, Rocky Mountain, and Pacific Southwest districts. The ministry has established three Hispanic missionary-training centers.
congregations to determine what opportunities for new Gospel outreach exist in their communities.
congregations to start and support cross-cultural church plants across the district in order to reach the growing multi-ethnic populations with the Gospel.
all LCMS colleges and seminaries to include in their training a component that emphasizes recognition of sexual predatory behavior, and the Synod’s Council of Presidents to continue its study on the issue and share their findings with districts. The resolution also asks congregations to offer support and spiritual care to victims of abuse and their families.
the 2010 LCMS convention to give timely and due consideration to the proposals and feedback of the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Synod Structure and Governance.
Posted July 1, 2009
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