This fall, the deaconess ministry-focused Mercy Works magazine will only be available online.
Produced and distributed by LCMS World Relief and Human Care (LCMS WR-HC) since 2006, the purpose of the magazine, as stated in its inside cover, is “to lift up the place of mercy in the life of the church, grounded in the Lutheran theology of faith, active in embodied love, that recognizes and serves Christ, who hides himself in the suffering of the neighbor.”
Past issues were mailed to more than 40,000 church workers, congregational and LWML leaders, universities and seminaries, Lutheran social ministry organizations, and LCMS partner churches.
But to save on distribution costs, Mercy Works will be sent as an e-mail with a link to the issue online. To sign-up to receive this complimentary publication, visit and look for Mercy Works under LCMS World Relief and Human Care.
Contributing writers include LCMS theologians, pastors, and deaconesses active in a wide variety of diaconal ministries around the world.
As the Synod’s mercy arm, LCMS WR-HC aims to increase the awareness of deaconesses and service opportunities for women who are theologically trained to serve the Lord and people in need through a variety of mercy-centered ministries.
Posted Oct. 6, 2009