The second LCMS multi-ethnic symposium will be held Feb. 1-2 on the campus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
Titled “Conversations of Hope,” the symposium is designed to bring together members of various ethnic groups in round-table conversations to share their “theological, sociological, and economic hopes.” Anyone interested in the ethnic ministries of the LCMS is encouraged to attend.
The event “builds upon the work of the 2008 symposium, ‘Expressions of Hope,’ in which speakers representing African, Hispanic, Asian, Caucasian, African-American, and other ethnic ministries shared their hopes and concerns about sharing the Gospel within our Synod,” said Rev. John Loum, director of the seminary’s Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology.
Like its predecessor, the 2010 event will provide an opportunity “to hear the hopes, dreams, and plans of leaders of diverse LCMS communities,” he said.
The conference is sponsored by the Synod’s Board for Black Ministry Services, the Black Clergy Caucus, National Mission Affiliates, the Center for Hispanic Studies, National Mission Executives, and LCMS World Relief and Human Care.
Topics of discussion will include:
- “As an ethnic minority, why am I LCMS Lutheran? What theological contributions come to our church from the diversity of ethnic communities?”
- “What ethnic concerns keep us apart?”
- “Focusing on problems behind the problems — what do we need to do t
o fix them?”
- “Institutionally, what is the next step? Where do we go and how do we get there?”
Dr. John Nunes, president of Baltimore-based Lutheran World Relief, will be the keynote speaker. More than a dozen other “conversation leaders” will give short presentations amid table discussions addressing the questions above.
Registration is $60 and includes three meals. Limited dormitory housing is available.
For more information, contact the seminary at 314-505-7486 or visit its Web site at The registration deadline is Jan. 19.
Posted Nov. 25, 2009