By Kim Plummer Krull
ST. LOUIS (July 22, 2013) – Three goals will guide the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League over the next two years, LWML President Kay Kreklau said in her greeting to the LCMS convention here.

With the Lord’s help, members of the Synod’s auxiliary will strive to nurture faith in Christ, share encouragement and make the LWML mission meaningful, Kreklau said at the 65th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Some 1,200 voting delegates are among those gathering July 20-25 at the America’s Center Convention Complex.
The LWML “encourages all women of the LCMS to be daily in God’s Word and intentional in Bible study,” Kreklau said. She asked convention participants to consider using a mite box on dressers and desks for “the extra change in your pocket” to support LWML mission work. Pastors, she urged, might check out the “Pastors in Mission” page with “an incredible amount” of resources at
Three weeks ago at their 35th biennial convention in Pittsburgh, LWML members adopted a new mission goal of $1.83 million, Kreklau said, “believing that even in our troubled economy that God will bless our mite dollars for mission.”
Since its founding 71 years ago, the LWML has given $100 million in grant money, Kreklau said, drawing applause from the convention. The 18 mission grants adopted for the new biennium, Kreklau said, range from $30,000 to train Comfort Dogs for LCMS chaplains to $100,000 to strengthen and expand LCMS campus ministries.
Updated Aug. 6, 2013