
Pressure Points (June 2014)

Comments (1)
  1. Steve Zielke says:

    It’s sad to hear that our “church” sometimes treats its workers poorly by not proactively considering or implementing some of the simple things they can do to help its workers feel validated/useful or appreciated in their roles. Stresses of ministry can take its toll on church worker families and others community members close to them. The culture and climate within our organizations needs to demonstrate care and concern. It is after all what we profess (and tell others) to do as the body of Christ. As a caring Christian community the church should be a model for the secular world instead of the other way around. Leadership in this area is vitally critical within our schools and congregations. I am especially sensitive to hearing of workers being released from their positions at critical times without regard to health insurance needs or a financial bridge to carry them through to the next position God has in store for them. I appreciate your continued attention and concern for the holistic health of our church workers.