By Megan K. Mertz
MILWAUKEE (July 10, 2016) — “For 2,000 years, the Church has been the instrument of Christ’s mercy to the broken, to the hurting, to the unclean and the unserved, the forsaken and the forgotten,” said the Rev. Dr. Lee Hagan, chairman of Floor Committee 3 on Mercy and president of the LCMS Missouri District.
“Floor Committee 3 is pleased to bring before this convention six resolutions that focus on bringing Christ’s mercy to those in need,” he continued.
Of the committee’s six proposed resolutions, three were discussed — and adopted — Sunday during the 66th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.
The Synod in convention unanimously voted to commend the work of LCMS Disaster Response and LCMS National Housing Support Corporation by a show of hands and a voice vote, respectively. In addition, LCMS Disaster Response was encouraged to continue producing training and resources, “with special emphasis on Spanish language resources.”
The final resolution discussed — Res. 3-05A, “To Give Thanks to God and Encourage Support for the Ministries of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service [LIRS], Lutheran Services in America, and Lutheran World Relief” — garnered the most discussion, specifically concerning the inclusion of LIRS.
After hearing comments from 10 delegates, and with 12 more in the queue, delegates chose to close discussion. Res. 3-05A then carried with 76.72 percent of the vote.
The 66th Regular Convention of the LCMS is meeting July 9-14 at the Wisconsin Center Convention complex under the theme “Upon This Rock.” Among the 1,500 convention participants are some 1,100 clergy and lay voting delegates.
Megan K. Mertz (megan.mertz@lcms.org) is a staff writer and managing editor of Lutherans Engage the World with LCMS Communications.
Posted July 10, 2016
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