How did readers answer last month’s question:
“How does your congregation or school let your community know you exist? Do you advertise, hold public events, etc.? Please describe.”
Here’s a response:
Rev. John Rickert, pastor of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Newark, Del.:
“On the last Saturday of the month, members of our congregation gather in the church’s parking lot and simply walk through our neighborhood. As we see neighbors, we engage them. If something is coming up, we invite them.
“We are also becoming more active in our neighborhood association. They are willing to publicize activities in their paper and, of course, we return the favor.”
The Rev. Jim Buckman, pastor of Faith Lutheran Church in Lake Forest, Ill., recently posted a similar question on his Facebook page: “What is your church known for in (your) community?”
Following are just a few of the 42 responses Buckman received. Could your congregation or school become better known by adapting any of these ideas?
- Food pantry every other Saturday.
- Feeding and serving the community on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
- Lots of community outreach events.
- The excellent preschool and daycare.
- The yearly BBQ.
- Being friendly and welcoming, especially to our military visitors and newcomers, and, of course, sound proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Food bank and housing homeless women for one week per month.
- Father’s Day chicken dinner and October apple pies.
- Distributing food to the homeless, teaching Bible studies in the community, Day of Service, Trunk or Treat (open to the community).
- Our free child care for teen parents.
- For being a loving congregation that loves Jesus and serves the community, vacation Bible school, comfort-dog ministry, preschool.
Thanks to everyone who has responded since “Share It!” was launched in January. Now the “Share It!” question also will be posted on the LCMS Facebook page (facebook.com/TheLCMS) — providing an opportunity for any of the site’s 145,000-plus followers to respond. We’ll share the best comments here. (Comments also may be shared via email to reporter@lcms.org.)
Posted Aug. 24, 2018