Video: ‘Caring for Pastors’

Dear Brother Pastor in Christ,

During this Holy Week, the sure and certain hope of the resurrection gives us true and lasting joy in the midst of cross and trial.

Your church loves you very much, and we want you to know how deeply we care about you as you navigate through this COVID-19 crisis.

We understand that each pastor’s situation varies from that of others. You are serving in different locations, each in its own stage and with its own magnitude of the pandemic.

We humbly offer you this short video, which we pray will help you process and steer through these stressful and uncertain times.

We also pray it will be a blessing to you as you struggle spiritually, physically and emotionally (Anfechtung) to care for the people you are called to serve, your family and yourself.

In Christ’s service,

Rev. Dr. James A. Baneck
Executive Director
LCMS Office of Pastoral Education

Chaplain (Navy Capt.) Craig G. Muehler
LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces

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Coronavirus resources

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, Concordia Plan Services, Lutheran Church Extension Fund, Concordia Publishing House, LCMS Foundation and other LCMS entities have compiled resources to assist congregations, schools, church workers and members during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
