On-campus vaccinations
Concordia University Chicago (CUC), River Forest, Ill., is offering on-campus COVID-19 vaccine clinics for all students, faculty and staff and their immediate households. Administered by Loop Medical Center, CUC’s COVID-19 testing partner, the Moderna vaccine is available free of charge.
“We have an obligation not only to the health and welfare of our campus, but also to the extended community we serve,” said CUC Dean of Students Kathy Gebhardt. “We’re proud to be able to help entire families receive the vaccine.”
Those receiving vaccines on the first day of the clinic expressed both relief and gratitude for the opportunity. “After weeks of trying to get an appointment through other sources, I was very excited to get my shot right here on campus,” said one CUC student.
In-person commencements
Nearly 1,000 graduates at Concordia University Wisconsin (CUW), Mequon, Wis., crossed the R. John Buuck Field House stage May 7 and 8, the first in-person commencement celebrations for the university in over a year. CUW hosted a total of six socially distanced ceremonies for its graduate and undergraduate candidates.
Considering church work?
On July 12, Concordia University Ann Arbor (CUAA), Ann Arbor, Mich., will host Trinity Time, an in-person one-day retreat for high school students considering church work vocations. Get to know and experience CUAA’s campus while interacting with current students and professors, participating in worship in CUAA’s Chapel of the Trinity and learning about avenues for service in the church. Find out more, register or refer a student at cuaa.edu/trinitytime.
Student leaders recognized
Concordia University, St. Paul (CSP), St. Paul, Minn., held its 12th Annual Ignite Leadership Award Ceremony, which recognizes students in the Ignite Leadership Program. The program supports students in identifying, developing and refining their leadership skills through programming in 10 different competency areas.
Kimberly Newton, CSP assistant director of Student Activities and Leadership, said, “Ignite brings together students from all across campus, from different backgrounds and different levels of leadership … and allows [them] to [focus] on specific skills that we know employers are looking for.” Read more at csp.edu/ignite-leadership-program.
Graduates honored
On May 8, Concordia University Nebraska (CUNE), Seward, Neb., honored the 2021 graduating class during undergraduate and graduate commencement. Students who graduated in 2020 were also invited to participate in the ceremonies.
At the undergraduate ceremony, CUNE Interim President Rev. Dr. Russ Sommerfeld lauded the graduates for their perseverance through a year of many challenges. “As you leave Concordia today,” Sommerfeld said, “I pray that you will know that Jesus Christ is walking with you into the callings God is giving you. It has been our privilege to live in a Christ-centered community with you … watching your talents, skills and passions … as you progressed from knowledge to wisdom.”
Seminary news
Summer workshops
From archeology to worship, from the Anabaptists to Martin Luther, from beauty to pop culture, from adult faith formation to child rearing, from the Old Testament to Revelation — a variety of different topics will be offered as part of the 2021 Prof Insights: Faculty-Led Workshop Series at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. The workshops will be held this summer as a mix of online and in-person events nationwide. Designed for pastors, church workers and laypeople, the annual series offers in-depth study on contemporary topics that influence the practice of ministry and worship. The cost for each workshop is $100 unless other-wise noted, which includes continuing education unit (CEU) credits for pastors.
Check out the schedule at csl.edu/workshop-series.
Honorary degrees conferred
This year’s baccalaureate and commencement at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, included the presentation of nine special honors:
Doctor of Divinity (D.D.) degree, honoris causa
- Rev. Dr. Christopher W. Mitchell, St. Louis
- Rev. Prof. Erling T. Teigen, Mankato, Minn.
- Rev. Larry M. Vogel, Toms River, N.J.
- Rev. Dr. Andrew K. Pfeiffer, N. Adelaide, South Australia
Doctor of Humane Letters, (L.H.D.) degree, honoris causa
- Mrs. Mollie Ziegler Hemingway, Alexandria, Va.
Miles Christi Award
- Mrs. Nancy Becker in honor of Mr. Dennis Becker, Fort Wayne, Ind.
- Mr. and Mrs. Jerome W. Bolick, Conover, N.C.
- Dr. and Mrs. Michael Liebner, Monticello, Ind.
Alumnus of the Year
- Rev. Larry Ziegler, pastor emeritus, Castle Rock, Colo.
Posted June 9, 2021