On July 11, 2016, at the 66th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), delegates approved Resolution 7–01A, “To Adopt Lutheran Identity Statement for CUS Institutions as Prepared by CUS presidents.”
The statement consists of 10 standards aimed at upholding “the teachings of sacred Scripture and its articulation in the Lutheran Confessions” and specifies standards for CUS schools in the areas of identity statements, governing board, senior leadership, faculty, theology faculty, academic freedom and responsibility, faith and learning, required theology courses, preparation of church workers and campus ministry.
In conjunction with the upcoming five-year anniversary of Res. 7–01A, Lutheran Public Radio (LPR), Inc., has contributed $50,000 to establish a Lutheran Identity Fund at Concordia University Chicago (CUC), River Forest, Ill. The fund will be dedicated to the recruitment of LCMS faculty and students.
CUC President Dr. Russell P. Dawn said, “Lutheran Public Radio and its listeners are wonderful partners who are helping Concordia, Chicago, to thrive. I’m grateful for their generosity and honored that they feel a kinship with our Lutheran mission.
“I encourage you to join these faithful companions with a gift to support the pursuit of truth, freedom and vocation at CUC.”
LPR General Manager Jeff Schwarz said, “Lutheran Public Radio shares President Dawn’s commitment to educating a new generation of Lutherans for vocations in church, family and the world.”
LPR, based in Collinsville, Ill., produces radio talk shows and podcasts and 24/7 sacred music and talk stations. To listen, or for more information, visit issuesetc.org.
To find out more about CUC, visit cuchicago.edu.
Posted June 17, 2021