Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) Secretary Rev. Dr. John W. Sias has announced the names of the candidates for the Synod president, first vice-president and regional vice-presidents.
The official notice is available at lcms.org/convention/national/elections and lcms.org/notices.
Those named on the ballots are the Synod clergymen who received the most nominations from Synod member congregations and who have agreed to serve, if elected.
The following five candidates received the highest number of nominating votes for the office of president and consented to serve if elected:
- Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, the incumbent Synod president — 1,193 nominations;
- Rev. Dr. Patrick T. Ferry, former president of Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor — 511 nominations;
- Rev. Richard L. Snow, president of the LCMS Nebraska District — 228 nominations;
- Rev. Peter K. Lange, Synod first vice-president — 119 nominations; and
- Rev. Benjamin T. Ball, Synod sixth vice-president — 113 nominations.
Of those receiving the highest number of nominating votes for the office of first vice-president, the following 20 candidates have consented to serve if elected:
- Rev. Peter K. Lange — 958
- Rev. Richard L. Snow — 137
- Rev. Scott C. Sailer — 98
- Rev. Dr. Jon M. Braunersreuther — 95
- Rev. Dr. Patrick T. Ferry — 72
- Rev. Dr. Scott R. Murray — 50
- Rev. Christopher S. Esget — 42
- Rev. Waldemar R. Vinovskis — 35
- Rev. Dr. John C. Wohlrabe Jr. — 31
- Rev. Nabil S. Nour — 24
- Rev. Dr. Allan R. Buss — 22
- Rev. Timothy P. Ahlman — 14
- Rev. Dr. John A. Nunes — 8
- Rev. Victor J. Belton — 7
- Rev. Dr. Jeffrey J. Kloha — 7
- Rev. Dr. Yohannes A. Mengsteab — 7
- Rev. Dr. Jamison J. Hardy — 6
- Rev. Jason M. Braaten — 5
- Rev. Dr. Paul A. Linnemann — 4
- Rev. Deric A. Taylor — 4
Of those receiving the highest number of nominating votes for the offices of regional vice-president (second through sixth vice-presidents, as will be ranked by the convention), the following have consented to serve if elected:
- Rev. Christopher S. Esget — 121
- Rev. Dr. Jeffrey J. Kloha — 27
- Rev. Luke T. Zimmerman — 20
- Rev. Victor J. Belton — 13
- Rev. Deric A. Taylor — 12
- Rev. Benjamin T. Ball — 239
- Rev. Jason M. Braaten — 54
- Rev. Randy K. Asburry — 8
- Rev. Dr. Lawrence R. Rast Jr. — 6
- Rev. William R. Marler — 5
- Rev. Dr. William W. Schumacher — 5
- Rev. Dr. John C. Wohlrabe Jr. — 196
- Rev. Dr. David P. E. Maier — 64
- Rev. David P. Ramirez — 39
- Rev. Steven G. Kline — 10
- Rev. Peter C. Bender — 5
- Rev. Nabil S. Nour — 245
- Rev. David C. Mumme — 58
- Rev. Dr. Robert R. Lessing — 15
- Rev. Byrene Keith Haney — 11
- Rev. Dr. Russell L. Sommerfeld — 11
- Rev. Dr. Scott R. Murray — 134
- Rev. Timothy M. Klinkenberg — 80
- Rev. Dr. Yohannes A. Mengsteab — 48
- Rev. Dr. Alfonso O. Espinosa — 36
- Rev. Dr. Jeffery T. Schrank — 36
Except in the case of president and first vice-president, these names will constitute the ballots for elections during the Synod convention.
In the case of the president of the Synod, the election will take place, starting June 17, via internet balloting. The five presidential candidates listed above constitute the ballot for election, which must be by majority vote (runoffs are possible). Pastoral and lay voters validly registered by the congregations and parishes of the Synod before the deadline (electronic registration by March 19) or their substitutes (as validly submitted before June 9) will serve as the voters for this election. Results are to be announced at least two weeks prior to the convention.
In the case of the election of the first vice-president, the president-elect will select from the list of 20 nominees the five candidates (at least two of which must be among the top five nominees) who will comprise the ballot for the election, which will take place early in the convention. Regional vice-president elections and ranking will follow the order and process required by the Bylaws of the Synod.
In each of the above elections, no opportunity will be provided to add names to the slate of candidates listed above, although in the event of the death, declination or unavailability of a candidate, the nominee(s) having the next highest number of votes shall become candidate(s).
The June issues of Reporter and The Lutheran Witness will include questions with answers from each of the five presidential candidates.
The 68th Regular Convention of the Synod will take place July 29–Aug. 3 at the Wisconsin Center in Milwaukee under the theme, “We Preach Christ Crucified.”
For more information, visit lcms.org/convention/national.
Download PDF: President & VP nominees
Posted March 13, 2023