
Lutherans in Maui assist with fire response

Comments (5)
  1. A wonderful response to the many in Maui who are suffering from the fires. The LCMS offered hope through their well-planned efforts to meet their physical, emotional and spiritual needs in the name of Jesus Christ. Your prompt actions to display Christ’s love and mercy made me proud to be a member of the LCMS.

  2. Kathleen Kunde says:

    If we were to make cards, do we send them directly to Emmanul in Hawaii? Or thru LCMS headquarters?

    1. Cheryl Magness says:

      Thank you for the question, Kathleen. Please send them directly to Emmanuel. Blessings!

  3. Jerome Aho says:

    Would it be prudent to send items such as hygiene and cleaning supplies, as I’ve heard that most everything costs more in Hawaii and during times such as these, availability could be an issue, directly to Emmanuel or is it just better to send funds now and therefore they can use them wherever they see fit?

    1. Cheryl Magness says:

      Thank you for the question. We encourage you to reach out directly to the district at Thank you and God bless!