BNM, BIM hold spring meetings

The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS) International Center in St. Louis. (LCMS/Erik M. Lunsford)

By Stacey Eising

The LCMS Boards for National Mission (BNM) and International Mission (BIM) met in St. Louis April 18–19 and May 2–3, respectively. Both boards reviewed the proposed budgets and provided feedback for their respective mission units, the Office of National Mission (ONM) and Office of International Mission (OIM).

Both the BNM and the BIM also heard a report from the Joint Mission Assessment Committee, a subcommittee comprising members from both boards, and discussed several recommendations for how to move forward with or propose updates to the Synod’s ministry and mission emphasis, Making Disciples for Life.

In addition, the boards heard executive reports, welcomed new members and discussed other business.


During its meeting, the BNM welcomed new member Rev. Kent Schaaf, ordained representative from the Central Region, who currently serves as pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Little Rock, Ark. “It’s an honor to be here,” said Schaaf. “I look forward to learning from all of you and serving alongside you.”

The board also issued a Specialized Spiritual Care call to the Rev. Edward Le Claire of St. Louis. Le Claire will serve as chaplain at Pathways Hospice and Palliative Care in Chesterfield, Mo.

The Rev. Dan Galchutt, executive director of ONM, updated the board on the recent work of the ONM, including:

  • Filling ONM position vacancies — Progress is being made on filling open positions (eight at the time of the meeting) with well-qualified candidates.
  • Church Planting — Kendall Cortright now serves as manager of LCMS Church Planting. The Synodwide church planting initiative is in its “research stage”: 48 potential sites for church plants have been identified, and the ONM is in conversation with 13 districts.
  • Partnership with districts — Galchutt has been steadily visiting LCMS districts in pursuit of the ONM’s goal of Synod/district collaboration.
  • Institute on Liturgy, Preaching and Church Music — This conference, sponsored by LCMS Worship, gathers in July for the first time in seven years.
  • “God’s Mission Here” newsletter and podcast — A new email-based newsletter and a podcast are providing updates on the national mission work of the LCMS.

The Rev. Dr. Todd Peperkorn, assistant professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, spoke to the board on the three estates (church, home and state) and their implications for the church’s mission and mercy work: “God’s Word brings us from chaos to order; in sin we go from order to chaos. When the three estates fall apart, everything starts to fall apart. … Both the church and the state have to pick up the pieces when the family begins to fall apart. In the coming years, I see tremendous opportunities for the church to come in and fill the gap.”

Peperkorn discussed how, especially in this climate, the church must attend to caring for people’s bodies, minds and souls, all for the sake of the Gospel.

The BNM next meets Sept. 12–13 in St. Louis.


During its meeting, the BIM also welcomed a new member, John Powers of Milwaukee, who will serve as lay representative from the Great Lakes Region. “I’m delighted to be here and hope I can help,” said Powers.

The BIM approved the following missionary calls and solemn appointments, all to serve in the Dominican Republic:

  • Jordan Logston, appointed career missionary
  • Justin Logston, accompanying spouse
  • The Rev. Mark Taylor, called career missionary
  • Traeci Taylor, appointed career missionary

The board also approved two calls to individuals to serve at Concordia International School Hanoi: Jonathan McDaniels as middle school principal and Elizabeth McDaniels as part-time elementary/middle school teacher and counselor. Also approved was a call to Dr. Erik Semler to serve as head of school at Concordia International School Shanghai.

The Rev. Dr. Cory Rajek, OIM executive director, updated the board on OIM work around the world, including:

  • Missionaries — 95 LCMS missionaries currently in the field, along with 18 alliance missionaries, in 31 countries.
  • Missionary recruitment — 10 current missionary candidates, and ongoing recruitment work.
  • New regional director — The Rev. Dr. David Preus has replaced Rajek as director of the LCMS Eurasia region.
  • FOROs — A major focus on promoting and expanding FORO (forum) gatherings for missionaries and sister-church members across all four mission fields.

The board also heard an update from Doug Grove, head of Concordia International School Hanoi.

LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison highlighted a report on the theological decline of the Lutheran World Federation. Written by the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Shaw, director of LCMS Church Relations, the report provides updates on concerns over the growing affirmation of women’s ordination by the Lutheran Church of Australia.

Harrison emphasized the importance of faithfulness to the Scriptures and to the Lutheran Confessions, in now as much as in the past: “Good doctrine is the best possible thing for terrified, troubled consciences. That’s why we are well-positioned to speak to this age. All of this is creating consciences that are terribly troubled. And that is what the Gospel is made for.”

The BIM next meets Sept. 5–6 in St. Louis.

Posted June 24, 2024