Church Relations

BNM, BIM hold spring meetings

Both boards reviewed the proposed budgets and provided feedback for their respective mission units, the Office of National Mission and Office of International Mission.

Resource provides history of Lutheran World Federation

The booklet is available as a free download.

CTCR releases end-of-life update, begins work of new triennium

The new report follows and expands on the CTCR’s previous work on end-of-life issues.

District presidents hold first meeting of triennium

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Council of Presidents met in St. Louis Sept. 16–19.

International church leaders gather at convention for first Church Relations forum

The International Church Relations Forum offered more than 40 international church leaders the opportunity for study, discussion and fellowship during the 2023 LCMS convention.

International Lutheran Council reaffirms 2021 letter denouncing religious persecution in Finland

The reaffirmation comes as the Rev. Dr. Juhana Pohjola and Dr. Päivi Räsänen face a second trial for holding to biblical Christianity.

Synod pledges support for confessional Lutherans in Australia

Faithful Lutherans in Australia signed a “Letter of Confession” holding to Holy Scripture and rejecting women’s ordination.

CTCR appoints Lehenbauer to fourth term

The LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations met April 13–14 in St. Louis.

Galchutt and Frese installed in St. Louis

The Rev. Daniel M. Galchutt serves as executive director of the LCMS Office of National Mission, and the Rev. Michael N. Frese serves as deputy director of LCMS Church Relations—Office of the President.

‘Profound unity and purpose’ in Kenya

In September, representatives from the LCMS gathered in Kisumu, Kenya, with representatives from 34 of the Synod’s partner churches to discuss the work of the confessional Lutheran church around the world.

ILC elects Pohjola chair, adds new members

The International Lutheran Council (ILC) is an association of confessional Lutheran church bodies.

Rebuilt seminary dedicated in Nagercoil, India

The dedication took place less than five years after the campus was destroyed by Cyclone Ockhi.

Shaw, Hemmer, Rabe installed at International Center

The three men had all begun serving prior to their installations. 

‘To live is Christ’: Pohjola consecrated as bishop of Finnish Lutheran Church

The consecration took place amid persecution from the Finnish government stemming from Pohjola’s endorsement of a 2004 booklet written by Dr. Päivi Räsänen, a medical doctor and longstanding member of the Finnish parliament.

Board of Directors adopts $62.7 million budget for FY22

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Board of Directors met in St. Louis May 20–21.