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‘More than a songbook’: An Indonesian Lutheran hymnal

In November 2024, the Buku Ibadah Lutheran (Lutheran Worship Book) was dedicated during a pastors’ conference in Indonesia.

Council of Presidents: February update

During its February meeting, the COP heard from a number of key groups and discussed an array of programs pertaining to congregational life in the LCMS.

From the mission field: Getting to know Bulgaria

Updates on LCMS mission work around the world.

Mission boards meet via Zoom

The LCMS Boards for International Mission and National Mission met in late January.

From the mission field: Short-term mission

Updates about LCMS mission work around the world.

Synod boards hold final meetings of 2024

The LCMS Board for International Mission, Council of Presidents, Board for National Mission and Board of Directors held their regularly scheduled fall meetings in November.

From the mission field: Church plant in Germany

Updates on LCMS mission work around the world.

Winter ‘Engage’: Christ’s light during trials

The issue highlights ways that God comes to His people at their most difficult times.

New lay missionaries prepare to deploy

One of the new missionaries will serve in Asia, and the others will serve in Latin America.

KFUO Radio celebrates 100 years of sharing the Gospel

Around 200 people gathered in St. Louis on Oct. 12 to mark the anniversary.

We preach Christ crucified

Will you consider an end-of-year gift?

International Church Relations Conference: Planting a flower in the gate of hell

The group gathered Oct. 21–25 in Wittenberg, Germany.

From the mission field: God’s work in Latvia

Updates about LCMS mission work around the world.

Synod boards hold fall meetings

The LCMS Board of Directors, Council of Presidents, Board for International Mission and Board for National Mission held their regularly scheduled meetings in August and September.

Christian hope in a hopeless world

Jesus says to us, when the world seems to be coming apart, don’t lose hope but trust in Me.

Obituary: Alice Brauer, former LCMS missionary to India

Brauer died in Vellore, India, on Sept. 30.