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Campus clips: High-achieving educators

Updates from LCMS schools, campus ministries, universities and seminaries.

Obituary: Rev. Dr. Robert T. Kuhn, former LCMS president

Kuhn died on March 1 at the age of 87.

Illinois ‘Homeschool Act’ has parents, schools concerned

The presidents of the three LCMS districts in Illinois have issued a joint letter sharing the concerns with members of LCMS churches and schools.

CUC announces church work tuition guarantee

The new guaranteed tuition rate is available for incoming full-time undergraduate students studying in one of CUC’s professional church work programs.

Mission boards meet via Zoom

The LCMS Boards for International Mission and National Mission met in late January.

Sturzenbecher elected to first term in South Dakota

The LCMS South Dakota District convention was held Feb. 16–18 in Sioux Falls, S.D.

Obituary: Rev. Dr. Paul L. Maier, former LCMS vice-president

The Rev. Dr. Paul L. Maier, noted Christian author and former vice-president of the LCMS, died on Feb. 27.

Thank you, LWML (and all SAS partners)

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League has been an enthusiastic partner of Set Apart to Serve since it began.

Join ‘Team Flex’ at this summer’s Youth Gathering

Team Flex volunteers serve across multiple areas of the Gathering, providing support wherever it is needed most.

‘His is the victory’: Lutherans confess Christ at March for Life

The 2025 National March for Life in Washington, D.C., was the third since Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022.

Chepulis elected to first term in North Dakota

The Rev. Mark A. Chepulis was elected president of the LCMS North Dakota District during the district’s 60th convention.

Vinovskis re-elected in SELC

The Rev. Waldemar R. Vinovskis was elected to his third term as district president at the district’s 20th convention.

‘Where two or three are gathered’: February ‘Witness’

The February issue of ‘The Lutheran Witness’ is all about smaller congregations.

Campus clips: Concordia students learn, march, pray

Updates from LCMS schools, campus ministries, universities and seminaries.

Youth Gathering planning nears fruition

Gathering registration is open until May 29, with the rate increasing March 4.

Education leaders gather in Savannah

The group meets annually to discuss matters of interest and concern regarding Lutheran education and youth ministry.