Pressure Points with Dr. Bruce Hartung

Q:  I have received a call.  The church that is calling me wants me to…

Lutherans join 100,000 in `March for Life`

Despite a weekend storm that dumped up to two feet of snow over much of…

Growth of Kyrgyz Lutheran church exceeds expectations

“God has exceeded our small expectations,” says LCMS missionary Sue Pfeil in Kyrgyzstan, who reports…

Board sends mailing on Amendment A

In a December mailing to LCMS congregations, the Synod’s Board of Directors said that now…

Online giving sees `dramatic` increase

Response to the South Asia tsunami disaster and a new system for receiving gifts on…

LCMS leaders seek ways to advance vision

More than 50 LCMS leaders, including 10 parish pastors and five school principals, met in…

`Newsweek` lauds LWR for relief efforts

In a brief item headlined “Rating Tsunami Relief,” the Jan. 17 issue of Newsweek magazine…

165 `reconcilers` receive training

By Joe Isenhower Jr. A new cadre of synodical “reconcilers” is being trained this year in…

Theology profs to discuss `Sin and Wrath of God`

Next month, LCMS theology professors will meet in Dallas to discuss the theme “Talking about…

New graduate program offers study in China

Concordia University in Irvine, Calif., is now offering a master of arts degree in international…

LWR urges Lutherans to voice support on tsunami issues

Lutheran World Relief (LWR), Baltimore, is urging Lutherans nationwide to contact their senators and President…

Kieschnick asks for donations, prayers for tsunami victims

LCMS President Gerald Kieschnick is urging Missouri Synod Lutherans to consider opportunities for donating toward…

David Jacobson dies; Bronxville provost

Dr. David C. Jacobson, provost at Concordia College, Bronxville, N.Y., since 2000, died Dec. 5…

Rudolph Harm dies

Dr. Rudolph H. Harm, a professor at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, from 1975 until his…

LIRS gets $5-plus million to help refugees

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) in December received a check for $5.137 million from…

Thrivent offers resource kit for `Luther` movie

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is offering a free kit of educational resources to be used…