The Rev. Dr. Carlos Hernandez, director, Church and Community Engagement with the LCMS Office of National Mission, talks with KFUO Radio’s Andy Bates about the LCMS program “Planting Gospel Seeds while Serving Human Needs.” The program helps congregations develop ways to enable their neighbors to break the cycles of poverty and struggle.

KFUO Audio: Interview about Partners in Latino Ministry Conference in October 2016
The Rev. Richard Schlak, executive director of Lutheran Hispanic Missionary Institute, talks with KFUO Radio’s Andy Bates about the Partners in Latino Ministry Conference, which is scheduled for Oct. 19-21, 2016, in El Paso, Texas.

OIM Audio: Rev. Ferry Discusses GKLI Convention
Pr. Ferry discusses the Indonesian Christian Lutheran Church convention that will make an important decision that could affect the LCMS.

KFUO Audio: Free To Be Faithful – Supreme Court on Abortion Clinics
The Supreme Court will decide if abortion clinics should be held to the same standards as other ambulatory surgery clinics.

KFUO Audio: Critical issues facing Lutheran schools in today’s political landscape
KFUO Radio’s Andy Bates discussed issues facing Lutheran schools during interviews with the Rev. Bart Day, Executive Director of the LCMS Office of National Mission; Terry Schmidt, Director of LCMS School Ministry; and Gregory S. Baylor, Senior Counsel and Director of the Center for Religious Schools at the Alliance Defending Freedom.

KFUO Audio: LCMS Disaster Response’s Camp Courage resources
KFUO Radio’s Andy Bates hosted a discussion on May 17 about the LCMS Disaster Response campaign to raise funds for Camp Courage supplies. Rev. Ross Johnson, director, LCMS Disaster Response; Rev. Michael Meyer, manager, LCMS Disaster Response; Gail Pawlitz, educator and editor; and Leah S. Sieveking, LCMS Mission Advancement talk about the new Camp Courage resources to serve children affected by disaster.

KFUO Audio: St. Mark’s Lutheran responds to winter 2015 floods in Eureka, Mo.
During an interview on May 16 with KFUO Radio’s Andy Bates, the Rev. Bob Liebmann and Denise Kasten of St. Mark’s Lutheran in Eureka, Mo., talk about St. Mark’s response to Christmas week 2015 floods in the Eureka, Mo., area.

KFUO Audio: The vocation of chaplains
During an interview with KFUO Radio’s Joanie Harwell on May 13, the Rev. Tristan Engle, who is preparing to serve as a U.S. Navy chaplain, and the Rev. Craig Muehler, director of LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces, talk about becoming a chaplain in the armed forces.

KFUO Audio: Free To Be Faithful – Religious Freedom in the Military
Rev. Craig Muehler, director of LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces, and Daniel Briggs, an attorney with Alliance Defending Freedom, discussed religious freedom in the military with moderator Kip Allen during a May 18 program on KFUO Radio.

KFUO Audio: Interview with Rev. Jeffrey Dock about Options for Women
KFUO Radio’s Andy Bates and Rev. Jeffrey Dock – pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Louisiana, Mo., and president of Options for Women – discuss the new pregnancy resource center in Bowling Green, Mo. The center, which opened on May 2, serves Bowling Green and surrounding counties in northeast Missouri.

KFUO Audio: Interview with Missouri Senator Kurt Schaefer about Sanctity of Life Committee
KFUO Radio’s Andy Bates talks with Missouri Senator Kurt Schaefer about the recent work of the Senate Sanctity of Life Committee, particularly the investigation of Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region. Schaefer is a Republican member of the Missouri Senate, and he represents the 19th District (Boon and Cooper counties).

KFUO Audio: Free To Be Faithful – The tax status of religious organizations is being threatened
The tax status of religious organizations is being threatened. Learn about it as Free to be Faithful moderator Kip Allen discusses it with attorneys from Alliance Defending Freedom and the Heritage Foundation.

KFUO Audio: Interview about Mercy Medical Team event in Philadelphia in August 2016
KFUO Radio’s Andy Bates talks with Deaconess Melissa DeGroot and Tracy Quaethem, manager, LCMS Life and Health Ministries, about the domestic Mercy Medical Team event scheduled for Aug. 25-29, 2016, in Philadelphia, Pa.

The Church and Mental Health Workshop Audio Presentations
These audio presentations were recorded on Saturday, April 9, LCMS Life Ministry hosted a one-day symposium at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

KFUO Audio: Interview about 2017 LCMS Life Conference
KFUO Radio’s Andy Bates talks with Stephanie Neugebauer, director, LCMS Life and Health Ministries, about the 2017 LCMS Life Conference to be held January 27-29 in Washington, D.C.

KFUO Audio: Free To Be Faithful – Governmental Hostility to Religious Organizations
Listen to Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Erik Stanley discuss government discrimination against religious organizations in a March 2016 interview.