Hear for yourself what National Religious Freedom day is all about, and how you and your friends can join the movement to stand for religious liberty for all!

Audio: Listen to presentations from the 2014 International Disaster Response Conference
Audio presentations from our 2014 International Disaster Response Conference at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne.

KFUO: Golter leading 2017 Reformation celebration
Listen to a Dec. 9 interview with KFUO’s Andy Bates and the Rev. Randy Golter, who leads The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in planning the 2017 Reformation 500th anniversary celebration.

Audio: KFUO Interview with Rev. Carlos Hernandez on Veterans/Soldiers of the Cross and Gospel Seeds
Rev. Dr. Carlos Hernandez, director, Church and Community Engagement for the LCMS Office of National Mission, talked on Oct. 22, 2014, on KFUO Radio about the Veterans of the Cross ministry, the Soldiers of the Cross ministry and the Gospel Seeds ministry.

Audio: KFUO World Lutheran News interview – Castillo Fuerte in Lima, Peru
Daniel Fickenscher, a Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod missionary in Latin America, was interviewed on Oct. 18, 2014, by KFUO Radio about Castillo Fuerte (Mercy House) in Lima, Peru. Castillo Fuerte provides a safe place for slum children in Lima to play, study and learn about the Gospel.

Audio: KFUO ‘His Time’ interview – Papua New Guinea exhibit at CHI
Dr. Daniel Harmelink, executive director, and Becky Wells, museum curator, of Concordia Historical Institute (CHI) talk about the new Papua New Guinea exhibit on display now at the Institute.

Audio: Death with Dignity – Faith’n’Family host Andy Bates interviews Maggie Karner
Maggie Karner, director of LCMS Life and Health Ministries, discusses physician-assisted death and the viral story of Brittany Maynard. Like Brittany, Maggie has been diagnosed with stage-four glioblastoma brain cancer. Listen to her perspective on life, control and death with dignity.

Interview with Mary Jones Wise, great-niece of Rosa Young, about the upcoming film titled “The First Rosa”
Mary Jones Wise, great-niece of Rosa Young, discusses the first film documentary about the life of Dr. Rosa Jinsey Young – “the mother of black Lutheranism in central Alabama.”

Audio interview: Dealing with unrest
The Rev. Steve Schave, director of Urban & Inner-City Mission, and the Rev. Dr. John Nunes, Emil and Elfriede Jochum professor and chair at Valparaiso University, discuss ministry in urban areas as well as the unrest unfolding in Ferguson, Mo., and around the world. KFUO Interview — Aug. 13, 2014.

Interview with Dr. Jeff Gibbs and Katie Schuermann about upcoming Infertility Ethics Symposium
Dr. Jeff Gibbs, Professor of Exegetical Theology – Concordia Seminary and Katie Schuermann, talk about the upcoming Infertility Ethics Symposim, which takes place Nov. 8, 2014, at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. Visit the LCMS Life Ministry website, www.lcms.org/life, for more information about this event.

Interview with Ed Szeto and Rev. Christopher Esget about 2015 Life Conference
Ed Szeto, Special Projects coordinator for LCMS Life Ministries, and Rev. Christopher Esget, pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Alexandria, Va., talk about the LCMS 2015 Life Conference, which will take place Jan. 22-24, 2015, in Washington, D.C. Visit www.lcms.org/events/lifeconference for more details on this event.

Interview with Rev. Heath Curtis, coordinator, LCMS Stewardship Ministry
Rev. Heath Curtis, coordinator for LCMS Stewardship Ministry, discusses the Stewardship Ministry, its redesigned website (www.lcms.org/stewardship) and the resources available to pastors and congregations during an interview on KFUO-AM.

Interview with Michael Ritzman, new missionary to Papua New Guinea
Michael Ritzman talks about preparing to serve as a missionary in Papua New Guinea. He is a new missionary who just completed the 2-week new missionary orientation at the International Center in St. Louis. He will serve in this country with his wife and 5 children.

Photos, video, audio describe Nebraska tornado aftermath
Dual tornadoes pummeled Pilger, Neb., on June 16, 2014, killing one person there, injuring more than two dozen, destroying 40-50 homes, and crushing St. John Lutheran Church and its parsonage. Several LCMS members lost their homes in the storm. The LCMS made an initial $100,000 available to the LCMS Nebraska District to help in the aftermath of the storm.

LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission: Engaging Your Community (KFUO interview with Rev. Todd Kollbaum)
Rev. Todd Kollbaum discusses how rural and small town churches can engage their communities.

Exsultet and the Preface for the Great Vigil of Easter
Learn how to chant the Exsultet and the Preface for the Great Vigil of Easter! Listen here to Pr. Sean Daenzer as he chants it for you.