KSDK-TV interviews LCMS president, LCMS Disaster Response co-director about Typhoon Haiyan

Video tells of mercy after 2010 Chile quake
Lutherans, including LCMS donors, have made it possible for the Synod’s small partner church in Chile to provide mercy to many people affected by one of the strongest earthquakes on record.

Rev. Ross Johnson discusses LCMS Disaster Response
Rev. Ross Johnson discusses his new role as director of LCMS Disaster Response

Photos from the Colorado flooding
In the wake of September’s torrential rains that caused flooding across the state of Colorado, national LCMS Disaster Response and LCMS Rocky Mountain District leaders met with area pastors whose communities were affected to determine immediate relief needs and long term recovery efforts.

Rev. Glenn Merritt discusses LCMS Disaster Response and upcoming conference
Rev. Glenn Merritt, director, LCMS Disaster Response discusses the role the LCMS takes in working with local districts and congregations during times of disaster.

Discover how LCMS parish nurses assist with the care of congregations and their surrounding communities
Discover how LCMS parish nurses assist with the care of congregations and their surrounding communities in both body and soul. This in-depth discussion on the vocation of parish nursing includes information on how to become a parish nurse, educational programs, and the theological framework for this work of mercy in the name of Christ.

LCMS President’s First Post-Re-election Interview
LCMS President Matthew C. Harrison discusses his hopes for the LCMS’ future and his goals for the next triennium in his first radio interview following his 2013 re-election.

La Victoria Mercy House Grand Opening
We’re delighted to share this video from Sunday’s grand opening of the Mercy House in…

Maggie Karner discusses marriage on KFUO
Maggie Karner, director, LCMS Life and Health Ministries, discusses the U.S. Supreme Court June 26 ruling on marriage on KFUO Radio’s Law & Gospel program.

Disaster response photos from Oklahoma
After the May 20, 2013, monstrous tornadoes, which devastated parts the Midwest and Moore, Okla., killing at least 24 people — many of them children — LCMS Disaster Response staff are requesting prayers and gifts to help with the Synod’s ongoing relief effort. See how the LCMS is responding by bearing witness to Christ and showing mercy to others.

Mercy Medical Team Trip to Madagascar
During a March 2013 LCMS Mercy Medical Team trip to Madagascar, team members treated 1,321 patients and filled 4,000 prescriptions.

Harrison addresses suffering in Holy Week video
In a video for Holy Week 2013, Synod President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison says that with suffering — including the “degradation” Christ suffered through His Passion and death –- “God is doing exactly what He planned.”

Unwrapping LSB: Service of Prayer and Preaching
Unwrapping the Gifts is a bimonthly publication of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Worship Ministry devoted to providing resources for worship. Everyone involved in planning worship is encouraged to subscribe to the Unwrapping the Gifts RSS feed.

Video invites exploring church-work vocations
What a Way aims to bolster recruitment and retention of church workers in the Synod.