Board for National Mission

Mission boards meet via Zoom

The LCMS Boards for International Mission and National Mission met in late January.

Synod boards hold final meetings of 2024

The LCMS Board for International Mission, Council of Presidents, Board for National Mission and Board of Directors held their regularly scheduled fall meetings in November.

Synod boards hold fall meetings

The LCMS Board of Directors, Council of Presidents, Board for International Mission and Board for National Mission held their regularly scheduled meetings in August and September.

BNM, BIM hold spring meetings

Both boards reviewed the proposed budgets and provided feedback for their respective mission units, the Office of National Mission and Office of International Mission.

Synod boards hold fall meetings

Summaries of the recent meetings of the COP, BOD, BNM and BIM.

Mission boards meet in St. Louis

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Boards for National Mission and International Mission held their first meetings of the triennium in September.

Synod officers, board members installed in St. Louis

The Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison was re-elected to a fifth term as LCMS president during the 2023 convention in Milwaukee.

Mission boards hold last meetings of quadrennium

The boards next meet Sept. 14 and 15 in St. Louis.

Convention encourages in-person worship, recognizes 50th anniversary of ‘Walkout’

Life Together resolutions address in-person worship, the 50th anniversary of the Concordia Seminary ‘Walkout,’ the ‘Koinonia program, ‘Himnario Luterano’ and the Synod’s mission priorities.

LCMS convention adopts eight resolutions on structure and administration

The resolutions clarify multi-parish representation at conventions, fix various glitches in the convention Handbook and clarify Synod Bylaws.

Delegates elect 21 members to five Synod boards

The ordained, commissioned and lay members will serve on boards of the LCMS and its entities.

‘A fantastic run’: BOD closes one era, prepares for next

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) Board of Directors met at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis May 18–19.

Mission boards look to convention

The LCMS Boards for International and National Mission met in January and February in St. Louis.

BNM discusses ONM leadership, Synod convention

The LCMS Board for National Mission convened Oct. 13 and 14 in St. Louis.

National Mission discusses chaplaincy, church planting

The LCMS Board for National Mission convened June 16–17 in St. Louis.