The Rev. Dr. James A. Baneck, executive director of the LCMS Office of Pastoral Education, recently visited Singapore, Vietnam and Taiwan.
St. Martin Lutheran School for the Deaf: Teaching the ‘whole person’
St. Martin Lutheran School for the Deaf accepts students from preschool through eighth grade and operates in space provided by Emmanuel Lutheran Church and School in Dearborn, Mich.
BIM focuses on church planting and theological education
At its Sept. 4 meeting, the board also heard about how reductions in budgeted Fiscal Year 2021 expenditures will have a significant impact on LCMS mission and ministry efforts.
COP meeting spotlights training, mercy, outreach, mission
The Sept. 20-23 meeting of the LCMS Council of Presidents involves a lot more than oversight of administrative issues.
Commentary: LCMS ministry to and with Asians – then, now and ahead
A “Reporter” commentary stresses the importance of LCMS ministry to and with Asians, both in the United States and abroad.