June 22-25
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Dr. Carl H. Krueger Jr., Cudahy, Wis., president, fifth term, first ballot.
Rev. Andrew Dzurovcik, Clark, N.J., first vice president.
Rev. Christopher Cahill, Lodi, Ohio, second vice president.
Rev. Paul M. Hoyer, Lake Mary, Fla., third vice president.
Under the convention theme of “The Changeless Christ for a Changing World,” from Heb. 13:8, delegates to the 15th convention of the SELC District adopted several resolutions relating to the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Synod Structure and Governance. Those resolutions ask the task force to:
correct its report on non-geographical districts — which said they “lack the resources to provide congregations with the most effective or efficient support” — and share that corrected information with all districts and media. The SELC District says it “has a history of being good stewards in ministry and mission,” and says it was the ninth-highest district in per-communicant giving in 2007, gives direct subsidies to the two LCMS seminaries, and “efficiently operates without full-time staff or facilities, utilizing approximately 95 percent of funds for missions and ministry.”
reconsider its plan for district restructuring to include the formation of smaller districts, which may “give greater voice and authority to the individual congregation”; “be more conducive to collegial conversation, encouragement, and correction; and “make it possible to direct resources to mission and ministry instead of administration and facilities.”
abide by the 1969 merger agreement between the LCMS and the SELC District when considering district restructuring, and approve no decision to eliminate the SELC District without the district’s concurrence.
Delegates also adopted a resolution that thanks the task force for its work to date and asks the task force to proceed with “care, patience, and transparency.”
Among other resolutions adopted, delegates also voted to:
establish an SELC Foundation and ask congregations to let their members know that they can support the Foundation’s “work of the Lord” with their contributions.
encourage congregations to continue their commitment to outreach and to use SELC grants in “new and creative ministries for the advancement of the Gospel.”
Posted July 9, 2009
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