Delegates to the 55th LCMS Southern Illinois District convention, Feb. 19-21 in Collinsville, re-elected Rev. Herbert C. Mueller of Waterloo to his sixth term as president.
Mueller, whose re-election came on the first ballot, was installed during the convention, under the theme “One Sure Hope,” from 1 Pet. 1:3-4.
Other district officers elected and installed at the convention included:
Among resolutions adopted, the district voted to “not formally participate” in the Synodwide Fan into Flame campaign that seeks to raise $100 million for the Ablaze! Gospel-sharing initiative, but to instead establish a committee to study and possibly coordinate a districtwide mission appeal beginning in 2010 that would fund mission projects within the district and worldwide.
“Our district has demonstrated that we can effectively, efficiently, and directly support mission projects both inside our district and throughout the world with a minimum of administrative costs,” the resolution reads.
Delegates also voted to:

Attending the convention was the church body’s Bishop David Tswaedi and a lay representative, Mpolaise Masibi.
Delegates also adopted several resolutions that relate to LCMS structure, asking to continue the existing structure of districts, the current Synod boards, the present balance of voting delegates (one lay, one clergy), and equal representation for all congregations.
During the convention, representatives of the LCMS Blue Ribbon Task Force on Synod Structure and Governance presented the task force’s preliminary proposals and possible recommendations — as they will do for all 35 district conventions this year.
Synod President Gerald B. Kieschnick preached during the convention’s opening service, and during business sessions he presented a report and answered questions.
Posted Feb. 26, 2009