LCMS Witness & Outreach Ministry has announced a new Lutheran evangelism resource, Every One His Witness™, now available through Concordia Publishing House.
The Rev. Dr. Mark Wood, director of Witness & Outreach, notes, “Every single baptized believer in Jesus is called to be a witness of His love to the world.” Yet he acknowledges that Christians often feel “inadequate, unfit and unqualified” for such work.
Says Wood: “If you want to share the love of Christ with the people in your life, Every One His Witness is good news for you! We talk not only about the ‘what’ and the ‘why’ of witnessing but the ‘how to.’ We don’t burden you with a bunch of scripts and memorization and all those things that make witnessing seem daunting. Instead, we encourage you to rely on the Holy Spirit, who guides His witnesses into sharing this Good News with the very people He’s put into their lives.”
At the core of Every One His Witness is “LASSIE,” an acronym for “Listen, Ask, Seek, Share, Invite and Encourage.” The six parts of “LASSIE” are not steps in a process but elements of an overall approach that is geared toward helping people witness in their everyday lives. The emphasis is on reaching out to the people with whom one naturally comes into contact, putting “sound doctrine” into “practical action.”
Every One His Witness also emphasizes joy: the joy, says Wood, “that Jesus intended us to have all along … the joy that he invites us to share in as we bring Good News to those who are lost.”
Each Every One His Witness kit includes one DVD plus materials for 12 people. The cost of the kit is $129.99 (shipping additional). Supplemental items also are available.
For more information about the Every One His Witness program please visit lcms.org/witness-outreach or facebook.com/EveryOneHisWitness.
Posted Oct. 3, 2017