Statements & Letters

Update from LCMS President Harrison about vaccine mandate

Statements & Letters
Comments (8)
  1. Arlene Riemer says:

    I’m disappointed that you did not point out that concern and love for our neighbors is a very compelling a reason to be vaccinated. You mentioned that the connection to stem cells could be a reason to be anti-vaccine but you mentioned that Pfizer vaccine’s connection is distant. Therefore I think you could have encouraged people to be vaccinated out of love for one another. Your statement came across as hedging the issue and made you sound like you’re more interested in getting reelected than encouraging people to take care of themselves and their neighbors.

    1. Susan Pierce-Ruhland says:

      I completely agree.

  2. JW says:

    These Phase 3 Trials disguised as Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) are not safe or effective.

    There are no long term peer reviewed studies.

    The VAERS report just showing the reported reactions and death rates is shocking and would have shut down any other Vax.

    Zero test animals survived any of these trials.

    The Inventor of mRNA Dr Robert Malone himself states these are not safe or effective.

    The expedited approval by the FDA of the Pfizer Vax is a bait and switch. The FDA approved the drug “Comiranty” and NOT the current drug Pfizer has on the market for EUA only.
    The reported breakthrough variants is the Vax itself!

    I will answer #2 since the church leaders are cowards and only speak up when it’s time to raise money. Yes. Aborted fetal tissue amd cells were used in the testing and development of these drugs and if you believe Big Pharma telling you well maybe just a little bit but not in the current drugs on the market, well then you probably believe wearing a mask especially alone in a car actually works.

    1. Nadine says:

      Thank you for this detailed and TRUTHFUL rundown on the jabs. It’s about time someone tell the truth. I’m tired of people who claim to be spiritual leaders skirting all of the issues, and trying to stay on the fence. We need leaders who will tell the full truth and just admit it if they don’t care about the aborted babies used not only in the cell lines, but the brutal process that their cells, hearts and brains are obtained while they are still ALIVE for testing. Unbelievable that anyone could write such a long explanation as Matthew Harrison did, and say absolutely nothing except what he thinks both sides would like to hear. Sickening… I’m so disheartened for his spineless response.

    2. Susan Pierce-Ruhland says:

      The EUA is over. The vaccines were studied and trials conducted with larger numbers and greater rigor than many drugs approved and in use for years.

      If you object to fetal cell research and will not take the vaccine for that reason, then you must foreswear Tylenol, Advil, Tums, and most other modern medicines.

      The fetal stem cell lines used in research are from two abortions decades ago; we do not know the reason for the abortions. “Elective” means, in medical terms, “not an emergency”. However, heart surgery, lung transplants, knee replacements, and other very serious surgeries are considered “elective” but are in fact life saving – case in point, heart valve replacement, coronary artery bypass grafts, cancer surgery.

      Therefore, the abortions that gave rise to these cell lines were “elective” but we don’t know why the mothers made that election: their lives may have been in danger and they had to choose whether to die with the baby or live. Some cases of anencephaly (no brain at all) in the baby can cause severe complications for the mom. Should she be forced to carry to term that baby, who will not survive the birth?

      And no, mRNA vaccines are not dangerous. However, there are medical doctors who can advise scared or skeptical patients on what to do about vaccination.

      So – ask a physician for advice, listen with an open mind and in silence, then ask questions. After all, your doctor has sworn to “first, do no harm”. Respect that, for pity’s sake.

      And get vaccinated. As Luther said (using many more words than this): God gave you a brain. Use it. And follow advice from medical professionals who are in charge of public health measures.

    3. Susan Pierce-Ruhland says:

      Additional comment / FACT CHECK: This is no longer EUA for Pfizer, Moderna, or J and J. They are fully authorized and approved already, are effective, safe, and necessary.

      When a drug or vaccine shows a statistically overwhelming result in double-blind placebo controlled studies, the trials stop and approval process can start. The fact that we have three fully approved vaccines against a deadly virus is an amazing gift from God, who gave us our minds and talents.

  3. Anne says:

    Mandating an action to “share” one’s own body with institutional third-parties by means of experimental testing and vaccination seems to reach beyond the traditional understanding of the call to love thy neighbor. In fact, it is NOT loving when the vaccination does not prevent transmission of Covid-19 disease. The mandate is a bullying tactic and like the Catholic Church demanding Martin Luther go against his conscience. And FYI, it just came out that Pfizer lied about not using fetal stem cell lines in their vaccines. Makes you wonder what else the ‘powers that be’ are lying about.

    1. Susan Pierce-Ruhland says:

      Additional comment / FACT CHECK: This is no longer EUA for Pfizer, Moderna, or J and J. They are fully authorized and approved already, are effective, safe, and necessary.

      When a drug or vaccine shows a statistically overwhelming result in double-blind placebo controlled studies, the trials stop and approval process can start. The fact that we have three fully approved vaccines against a deadly virus is an amazing gift from God, who gave us our minds and talents.

      The vaccines are not sterilizing vaccines – that is, they are 90% or more effective for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

      They prevent serious illness. As of December 2021, the overwhelming majority of people in the ICU for Covid are not vaccinated. Vaccinated patients are not sick enough to need anything near that care, for the most part.

      Worse yet are the pregnant unvaccinated moms who get Covid and die, requiring emergency C-sections to save their fragile babies (most are not full term at that point).

      These vaccines save lives, prevent spread (unvaccinated spread the virus more effectively and for a longer time), and protect innocent kids who cannot protect themselves.

      Please follow public health advice and help prevent the spread to the vulnerable among us.