The Rev. Richard L. Snow of Seward, Neb., was elected to his third term as president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Nebraska District at the district’s 20th convention, held June 24–25 in Kearney, Neb. He was elected on the first ballot.
Also elected were:
- The Rev. Michael A. Awe of South Sioux City, Neb., as first vice-president;
- The Rev. James A. Moshier of Arapahoe, Neb., as second vice-president;
- The Rev. James D. Rasmussen of Omaha, Neb., as third vice-president; and
- The Rev. Scott D. Bruick of Seward as fourth vice-president.
The officers were installed at the convention.
Delegates resolved to:
- Update the district’s bylaws and articles of incorporation to be in line with Committee on Constitutional Matters recommendations, to realign its circuits and to grant its board of directors the authority to realign circuits as needed.
- Encourage the district’s congregations and schools to adopt a mission and ministry emphasis using the Making Disciples for Life resources and to focus on evangelism, discipleship and revitalization of congregations and schools.
- Encourage the Synod in convention to create uniformity of practice within the Synod regarding term limits.
The convention theme was “Growing, Building, Reaching,” based on Ephesians 4:15–16.
Posted July 12, 2022