Members of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) Ministerial Care Coalition (MC2) gathered in Orlando, Fla., March 3–5 for meetings and presentations.
MC2 has been meeting since 2013, when it was organized by Concordia Plan Services (CPS). The coalition — a collection of representatives from LCMS districts, the LCMS Office of National Mission (ONM) and CPS — facilitates ongoing conversations about church worker wellness. More than 40 people from 22 districts attended this year’s gathering.
Deaconess Dr. Tiffany Manor, ONM managing director for Human Care and Ministerial Support, said, “The MC2 collaboration among the districts, National Mission and Concordia Plans is crucial to share best practices and align our efforts to support the well-being of more than 20,000 professional church workers serving our Synod. This year was a particularly impactful and joyful time together as we focused on strategy development related to 2023 Resolution 1-06A and mental health advocacy from Resolution 1-07.
“It was a blessing to have guest Recognized Service Organizations MinistryFOCUS and Shepherd’s Canyon, along with Lutheran Church Extension Fund’s Grace Place, join for a portion of the meeting and planning. There are many people caring for our church workers to help them be well as they proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through their vocations.”
Each day of the meeting included time for worship; sharing of ideas among the various groups represented; and discussions of goals, strategies and tactics for fostering church worker wellness. An update from Concordia Plans included information about:
- The Employee Assistance Program, which provides free, confidential counseling for Concordia Plans members;
- The Pastoral Care Network; and
- Other CPS benefits such as First Call Quantum (a one-stop source for getting answers to health care questions), Teladoc Health, and the Healthcare Bluebook (a provider lookup tool).
An update from National Mission reviewed recent history in the Synod’s efforts in church worker wellness. In coming months, look for more news about ways the Synod, its districts and CPS are walking together, along with the church’s laity, to care for the church’s workers.
Posted April 2, 2024