Mental Health

New research informs worker wellness

In the coming months, LCMS Church Worker Wellness will be putting out content according to quarterly themes, focusing on one aspect of the Wellness Wheel at a time. 

Concordia Plans unveils new mental health resource

The resources offers expanded mental health solutions with an enhanced Employee Assistance Program.

LWML mission grants support life, youth, church work recruitment

LWML President Eden Keefe presented three grant checks after chapel at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis on March 7.

Worker wellness coalition meets for sharing, planning

The Ministerial Care Coalition gathered in Florida March 3–5.

DOXOLOGY honors Yahnke, celebrates 15 years

DOXOLOGY, an LCMS Recognized Service Organization, was developed to train pastors in theologically sound strategies for caring for their own mental health as well as that of their flock. 

Delegates unanimously pass three resolutions on mercy

The resolutions call for raising awareness of human trafficking, encouraging pastoral care for those who suffer from mental illness, and giving thanks for LCMS Disaster Response’s faithful work.

Conferences focus on specialized ministry, sanctity of life

Both conferences were hybrid formats, with options to attend either in person or online.

God’s care for soul and mind: February ‘Witness’

The issue includes the story of the Rev. Michael Kasting’s journey navigating the fatigue and challenges of caring for his wife, Sue, after her diagnosis with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease.

Ministerial Care Coalition holds annual meeting

The coalition — a collection of representatives from around the Synod — supports and fosters conversations about church worker wellness.

Suicide prevention resources focus on biblical response

National Suicide Prevention Week is Sept. 5–11, and World Suicide Prevention Day is Sept. 10.

ONM grants support resiliency programs for the Synod’s workers

Funds for the grants came from the Soldiers of the Cross—Amplified program.

LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission webinar: ‘Ministry with People With Disabilities’

Hosted by LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission, Deaconess Kimberly Trombley of Bethesda Ministries presents a free webinar titled “Ministry with People With Disabilities.”

LCMS convention commends and expands mercy work in the Synod

On July 23, Floor Committee 3 passed resolutions commending LCMS Disaster Response and the Synod’s life ministries and encouraging further training to care for those with mental illness.

In the October ‘Witness’: Ministry and mental health

The October issue of The Lutheran Witness examines topics relating to ministry and mental health.

Share it! – Encouraging good health

Answers to the question, “How does your congregation or school encourage good health among members, students and/or workers?”

KFUO Audio: ‘The Church & Mental Health Workshop’ preview

The Rev. Jeff Pflug and Richard Davenport joined KFUO Radio host Andy Bates to discuss “The Church & Mental Health Workshop” scheduled for Saturday, March 25, 2017, at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dillsboro, Ind.