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LCMS Communications

Kidwell, Lewis take top Int`l LLL, LHM posts

The International Lutheran Laymen’s League and its media outreach arm, Lutheran Hour Ministries, have announced new leadership. Delegates to the Int’l LLL’s 87th annual international convention, July 22-25 in Rapid City, S.D., elected John “Jack” Kidwell of Bay City, Mich., as…

Fiedler joins Foundation staff

Leonard “Len” Fiedler joins the LCMS Foundation staff in August as senior vice president for ministry resource development.   For the last 10 years, he was vice president for development at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.  In his new position, Fielder will…

Kieschnick discusses convention, next three years

By David L. Mahsman As he stands on the cusp of a new triennium and a second term in office, LCMS President Gerald Kieschnick says three broad areas of synodical work are going to get a lot of his attention:…

Black convocation will go to two-year cycle

By Joe Isenhower Jr. Delegates to the 2004 Black Ministry Family Convocation, July 7-11 in St. Louis, decided that national convocations from now on will be in even-numbered years and regional convocations will be in odd-numbered years. In recent years,…

Resolutions note Black ministry anniversary, back schools, affirm ‘responsible’ worship

ST. LOUIS — Wednesday (July 14) afternoon, delegates at the 62nd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod here passed five resolutions presented by the floor committee on district and congregational services.    Those resolutions call for:   * celebrating…

Convention completes elections to boards and commissions

ST. LOUIS—Delegates to the 62nd Regular convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod completed elections Wednesday (July 14) for numerous boards and commissions.   The election results, listed by board and commission, include:   • Board for District and Congregational Services:…

Convention adopts revised `Handbook`

ST. LOUIS — After some debate, delegates to the Synod’s 62nd Regular Convention July 14 adopted a revision of the 2001 Handbook, which contains the church body’s Constitution, Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation.  The vote was 921 to 230.  …

Delegates ask for seminary funding plan, promotion of stewardship education

ST. LOUIS – A new Board for Pastoral Education was directed to “undertake as its immediate first task a systemic study” of funding models for theological education within The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and put a plan in place within the…

Delegates approve Houston as site for 2007 Convention

ST. LOUIS – Houston will be the site of the 2007 convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, said delegates attending the 62nd Regular Convention of the LCMS.  They adopted Resolution 4-06 July 15, noting that Houston offers significant savings in…

Convention votes to amend procedure for filling vacancies

ST. LOUIS — Delegates today (July 15) amended the Synod’s bylaw procedure for filling vacancies on synodically elected boards and commissions.  The list of candidates for such positions will now be prepared by the chairman and two members of the…

Delegates clarify `interim` appointments

ST. LOUIS — Delegates to the 62nd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod voted today (July 15) to limit interim chief executive officers to 18 months, unless the Synod president approves extension of their terms. The resolution was amended…

Convention moves outreach ministry, urges short-term mission service

ST. LOUIS — With no discussion from the floor, delegates to the 62nd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod today (July 15) passed resolutions to reassign the director of outreach ministry position from the Synod’s Board for District and…

Delegates adopt human care resolutions

ST. LOUIS – Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod convention delegates adopted resolutions supporting health and healing ministries, pregnancy care centers, ministry to people with disabilities, review of birth-control products and quilting ministry in the meeting’s July 15 closing session.             The resolutions,…

Convention says women may hold all offices that do not involve pastoral functions

ST. LOUIS — As a result of action taken July 15 by the 62nd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, LCMS congregations may permit women to hold any congregational office that does not involve the exercise of distinctive functions…

Last action of convention affirms preaching, teaching creation

ST. LOUIS — In the final action before the close of the 62nd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod July 15, delegates commended “preaching and teaching creation.”   This is not the first time that the Synod has spoken…

Three incumbents, three new members elected to Board of Directors

ST. LOUIS — Three incumbents were returned to the Synod’s Board of Directors and three new members were elected in balloting today (July 13) at the 62nd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.   Returned to the Board are…