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LCMS Communications

Convention commemorates Black higher ed, supports family life ministers on roster

ST. LOUIS –- The Centennial for Black Higher Education within The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod will be recognized with a special celebration in conjunction with the 2006 Black Ministry Family Convocation, according to a resolution adopted by the delegates attending the…

Convention amends LCMS Articles, Bylaws to clarify Board responsibilities

ST. LOUIS — By a 654 to 541 vote, the 62nd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Tuesday (July 13) adopted changes to the Synod’s Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws that limit the “management authority and duties” of the…

Delegates ask for sem funding plan, promotion of stewardship ed

ST. LOUIS – A new Board for Pastoral Education was directed to “undertake as its immediate first task a systemic study” of funding models for theological education within The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and put a plan in place within the…

Convention commends civic-events guidelines to help church workers

 ST. LOUIS — The 62nd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Wednesday (July 14) commended new guidelines from the Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR) to aid church workers as they make decisions about participating in “civic events.”…

Convention says to keep talking with ELCA

ST. LOUIS — The 62nd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod today (July 14) acknowledged concerns expressed by the Synod’s Praesidium regarding the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and encouraged “substantive conversations” with that church body.   In a…

Zehnder: Share the Gospel with everyone who’s alive

ST. LOUIS — “Everyone with whom we come in contact — if they’re still breathing — maybe God is keeping them alive so that we can share the Gospel with them,” said Dr. Thomas Zehnder in his Bible study today…

LWML is ‘more than a meeting,’ auxiliary president tells convention

ST. LOUIS — Linda Reiser, president of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML), addressed delegates this morning (July 14), painting a picture of the Synod auxiliary today.   “The LWML in your congregation might be seen as the group that…

Convention affirms laity ministry programs, amends Commissioned Ministry Colloquy bylaws

ST. LOUIS – The Council of Presidents of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, the new Board for Pastoral Education and the Synod’s seminary faculties will develop a curriculum for lay-training programs under a proposal adopted by the Synod’s 62nd Regular Convention…

ELCA leader expresses appreciation for convention action to continue discussions

ST. LOUIS – The presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) said he is “profoundly grateful” for the decision of the 62nd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod to continue discussions with the ELCA.   In…

Delegates approve new hymnal as ‘official’ for use in Synod

ST. LOUIS – The draft of a proposed new hymnal received clear approval July 14 as “an official service book and hymnal” for The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod with a 1,014-130 vote of delegates to the church body’s 62nd Regular Convention.…

Delegates and leaders urged to personal mission

ST. LOUIS — “We live on earth only so that we should be a help to other people. Otherwise, it would be best if God would strangle us and let us die as soon as we were baptized. … He…

Convention addresses ‘neighbors’ needs

ST. LOUIS—Delegates to the 62nd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod yesterday (July 12) adopted several resolutions that speak to efforts of church body to address human care issues locally and globally. These resolutions “strongly encourage” Missouri Synod congregations…

Synod affirms marriage as lifelong one man-one woman union

ST. LOUIS — By a nearly unanimous vote, delegates to the 62nd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod today (July 13) affirmed, “on the basis of Scripture, marriage as the lifelong union of one man and one woman (Gen.…

Convention rejects change of translation for new hymnal catechism

ST. LOUIS–By a narrow vote of 580 to 585, delegates to the 62nd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Monday (July 12) defeated a resolution that would have changed the Bible translation of Scripture passages in Luther’s Small Catechism…

LLL president greets Synod convention

ST. LOUIS–Alvin Waldron, president of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League (Int’l LLL), brought greetings Tuesday (July 13) to the 62nd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.   “What a joy and blessing it is to be Ablaze! with our…

Convention OKs $100 million `Ablaze!` fund-raising effort

ST. LOUIS — Despite concerns expressed by some delegates, the 62nd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod voted to support a major effort to raise $100 million over the next six years as part of Ablaze!, LCMS World Mission’s…