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LCMS Communications

Fiery, fearless civil rights icon Fred Shuttlesworth dies at 89

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama (RNS) — The Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, the driving force behind the Birmingham integration efforts that energized the national civil rights movement, died Oct. 5 at age 89. Shuttlesworth said he never feared death, and repeatedly put himself on…

New California law prohibits circumcision bans

(RNS) — Jews, Muslims and their allies cheered Oct. 2 as California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill prohibiting all local bans on circumcision, making it illegal for local authorities to restrict the medical or religious practice. Anti-circumcision activists had…

Dead cleric's videos may find eternal life online

(RNS) — Radical American-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki may be dead, but the power of the Internet means he won’t soon be forgotten. And that, experts say, could make him just as dangerous dead as he was alive. Counterterrorism experts say…

Christian identity in U.K. outpaces church attendance

LONDON (RNS) — A major new survey by Britain’s national statistics bureau shows that despite growing immigration and competition from other faiths, nearly seven in 10 Britons still describe themselves as Christian. That doesn’t mean, however, that U.K. Christians actually…

Exiled Libyan Jews look with hope toward homeland

ROME (RNS) — The Jews of old wandered the wilderness for 40 years before entering the Promised Land. For the exiled Jews of Libya, it’s already been 44. The struggle to reopen a synagogue in Libya, 44 years after the forced…

Bishops warn that church teaching is nonpartisan

(RNS) — With the 2012 campaign gearing up before an angry and divided electorate, U.S. Catholic bishops on Oct. 4 reminded Catholic voters that they can’t cherry-pick from church teachings to justify their own political preferences, and cautioned both sides…

Sheen, Estevez make 'non-preachy' religious film

WASHINGTON (RNS) — How does a modern filmmaker with qualms about religion make a movie about the power of an ancient Christian pilgrimage? That’s the dilemma that actor/director Emilio Estevez faced when making “The Way,” a new film that opened…

Study: Teens leave churches seen as judgmental, unfriendly

(RNS) — Why do young Christians leave the church? New research by the Barna Group finds they view churches as judgmental, overprotective, exclusive and unfriendly toward doubters. They also consider congregations antagonistic to science and say their Christian experience has…

National Cathedral needs 'tens of millions' in quake repairs

WASHINGTON (RNS) — The Washington National Cathedral will need “tens of millions of dollars” over “numerous years” to repair extensive damage to the nation’s second-largest church following an Aug. 23 earthquake, church officials said Oct. 4. The landmark church requires…

In sunset of life, Billy Graham reflects on growing old

(RNS) — For much of his 92 years, Billy Graham has had one main title: evangelist. But in a new memoir set in the twilight of his remarkable life, Graham reveals a lesser-known side of himself: a grieving and ailing…

Rabbis stand in solidarity with burned mosque

WASHINGTON (RNS) — More than a thousand rabbis from around the world have signed a statement denouncing the burning of an Israeli mosque as police arrested a suspect who is alleged to be a Jewish extremist. “We condemn those in…

Beer, wine not on church's list of immoral investments

BERLIN (RNS) — New guidelines issued by Germany’s largest Protestant body advised parishioners to not invest in companies that make hard liquor, while beer and wine producers are fine. The guidelines, issued by the Evangelical (Lutheran) Church in Germany, are…

Is there a death penalty-sized hole in Catholicism's 'seamless garment'?

(RNS) — Is Catholic opposition to the death penalty losing traction as opposition to abortion, gay marriage, contraception and other causes become the defining “pro-life” issues for the American hierarchy? That’s what some Catholics are asking after the bishops’ Pro-Life…

Pentagon: Chaplains can celebrate gay marriages

WASHINGTON (RNS) — Military chaplains can lead same-sex marriage ceremonies on and off military bases, the Pentagon announced Sept. 30 in a move that closely followed the repeal of a ban on openly gay service members. “A military chaplain may…

Report says trends for U.S. churches mostly pointing down

(RNS) — American congregations have grown less healthy in the last decade, with fewer people in the pews and aging memberships, according to a new Hartford Seminary study. But there are also “pockets of vitality,” including an increase in minority…

Churches lose fight over Alabama immigration law

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (RNS) — A federal judge jolted the national immigration debate on Sept. 28 by approving most parts of Alabama’s aggressive immigration law that religious leaders had called the “meanest” in the nation. In a ruling hailed by many…