HOUSTON – Bolstered by gifts brought to its 63rd Regular Convention, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s…
Missionary events dovetail with LCMS convention
HOUSTON – Some 200 current and former Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod career missionaries took part in…
Study emphasizes following Jesus’ example
Dr. William R. Diekelman encouraged Synod members to use Jesus’ example as their guide when…
Official Notice: Nominations for President and Vice Presidents
The nominating process for the offices of President, First Vice President, and other Vice Presidents…
Official Notice: Convention delegate names and addresses
Lists of names and addresses of all voting delegates to the 2007 convention of The…
Official Notice: Convention Delegate Names and Addresses
Lists of names and addresses of all voting delegates to the 2007 convention of The…
Official Notice: Convention Delegate Names and Addresses
Lists of names and addresses of all voting delegates to the 2004 convention of The…