
‘We Preach Christ Crucified’: 2023 convention wrap-up

A brief, final wrap-up of the proceedings of the 68th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.

Synod officers to be installed in St. Louis

The service of installation will take place in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, on Sept. 15 at 7 p.m.

Plan to attend SAS virtual town hall

The town hall will share the latest news from Set Apart to Serve, the LCMS church work recruitment initiative.

LWML elects new president, sets record mission goal

The 40th Biennial Convention of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League was held June 22–25 in Milwaukee under the theme “Celebrate the Lord of the Nations.”

Register now for Disaster Response conference

The 2023 conference will be held in St. Louis Sept. 6–8 under the theme “Walking Together in Disaster Response.”

‘A sight to behold’: Floor committees meet in St. Louis

Floor Committees gathered at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis June 9–12 to begin their service for the 2023 Synod convention.

Seminary students receive first calls, assignments

The services were held on the two seminary campuses, on April 24–25 and May 18 in Fort Wayne, and on April 26 in St. Louis.

LCMS pastors gather in Iowa state capital

In March, pastors from throughout Iowa gathered in Des Moines to meet with their state legislators.

Lutherans march for life in Illinois

The Illinois March for Life, formerly the March for Life Chicago, was moved to the Illinois capital this year.

Call Day is almost here

Both LCMS seminaries will provide live, online coverage of their upcoming Call Day and Assignment services.

‘Engaging the Collegiate Mind’: Campus ministry leaders to gather in Minneapolis

The LCMS U Campus Ministry Staff Conference is set for May 31 and June 1 at University Lutheran Chapel.

COP, BOD meet in St. Louis

Among other items, the COP discussed the Concordia University System, and the BOD reviewed the Synod’s financial position.

Conferences focus on specialized ministry, sanctity of life

Both conferences were hybrid formats, with options to attend either in person or online.

‘Fundamentally a spiritual issue’: Lutherans attend first post-Roe March for Life

The 50th annual National March for Life took place in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 20.

LWML to ‘Celebrate the Lord of the Nations’

The 40th Biennial Convention of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is set for June 22–25 at the Wisconsin Center in Milwaukee.

SPM conference to highlight specialized contexts

The 2023 LCMS Specialized Pastoral Ministry conference will take place Feb. 28 through March 1 in St. Louis.