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Rajek installed as OIM executive director

Rajek previously served as director of the LCMS Eurasia region.

Lutheran Synod of Mexico president and others safe after kidnapping

President Isaac Garcia was traveling with another pastor and four deaconesses

From the mission field: Responding to emergencies

The LCMS Office of International Mission allocates funds for unexpected mercy needs in each of its four world regions.

Video series explains Christianity in multiple languages

The series is currently available in Farsi, Urdu, Arabic, Spanish and English.

Missionaries end, begin service

Missionaries who have concluded their service were recognized on July 19, and missionaries who recently completed orientation were recognized on Aug. 2.

‘A salvation plan’: Flood recovery in Brazil

The Rio Grande do Sul region is home to the largest Lutheran population in Brazil.

From the mission field: 50 years of ‘Chevanurch’

“Chevanurch,” a shortening of “China Evangelical Lutheran Church,” comprises about 70 people from 19 families who formerly served as missionaries to Taiwan.

‘And they sang’: Worship institute covers entire psalter in four days

More than 500 pastors, musicians and laity attended the 2024 LCMS Institute on Liturgy, Preaching and Church Music.

Emerging Lutheran church body seeks communications director

Lutheran Mission – Australia, an emerging confessional Lutheran church body in Australia, seeks a full-time director of communications.

‘God is with them’: Wildfire response in Chile

Over the past few months, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has followed through with its strategic disaster response plan for the area.

From the mission field: Christian care for body and soul

Updates about LCMS mission work around the world.

BOD adopts $80.6M budget for FY25

The budget reflects an anticipated $78.6M in total revenue and net asset releases, $2.01M in board-designated releases, and a surplus of $51,000.

Summer ‘Engage’: Mercy for neighbor

Among other stories, the issue introduces the “By the Mercies of God” accountability campaign.

Brazil flood response continues

Earlier this year, unprecedented floods destroyed property and displaced thousands of people in the Rio Grande do Sul region in Brazil.

‘By the Mercies of God’: Putting the church’s gifts to work

Stories of mercy provide a small glimpse of how the generosity of God’s people is making a difference around the world.

From the mission field – Recovery in Ethiopia

Rebuilding is well underway after a 2021 flood in Ethiopia.