World Mission announces placement of four directors

For the first time since 2003 — when LCMS World Mission realigned its international operations…

Requests for Reinstatement (September)

STEPHEN C. MOSER, Poulsbo, Wash., and KURT OVERWAY, Hudsonville, Mich., have applied for reinstatement to…

Items available (September)

Note:  Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to…

Calls for Nominations (September)

The Board for University Education (BUE)/Concordia University System (CUS) is seeking nominations for an associate…

Positions (September)

The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS) Foundation seeks applications and nominations for the position of vice…

CPH`s 2006-07 catalog showcases new materials

Concordia Publishing House’s new 2006-07 catalog features more than 30 new books and other items…

`Harvesters` training set for October

LCMS World Mission -– Outreach Ministry is accepting applications for the next Harvesters For Christ…

National youth-worker conference draws 400

Some 400 professionals and volunteers involved in youth ministry with congregations across the Synod participated…

Society for Missiology seeks missionary info

The Lutheran Society for Missiology has launched a five-year project to research all former LCMS…

LWR president takes new post

Dr. Kathryn Wolford, who has served as president of Baltimore-based Lutheran World Relief (LWR) since…

Seminary offers conference on love, marriage

Concordia Theological Seminary will host “In the Image of God: The Christian Vision for Love…

New books feature work of King, Dickinson

Two new books offer information on Black and other ethnic ministries through the life and…

Asia has `huge need` for short-term mission teams

Bruce Wall, who matches LCMS groups with short-term mission assignments on behalf of LCMS World…

St. Louis sem releases `Deaconess` publication

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, mailed its first issue of Deaconess to LCMS pastors and deaconesses…

`LutherHostel`set for St. Louis seminary

“Living Well in Christ” is the theme for “LutherHostel 2006,” to be held Oct. 7-10…

LSA sponsors conference on disability ministry

The Disability Network of Lutheran Services in America (LSA-DN) is sponsoring its first-ever conference on…