Commentary: ‘News’week on the Bible

The Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Kloha, a professor at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, critiques “Newsweek” magazine’s Jan. 2 cover story titled “The Bible: So Misunderstood It’s a Sin.”

‘TABOO:’ God’s gift of family

Bethany Woelmer, a participant in the Jan. 5-7 LCMS campus-ministry conference in St. Louis, offers her observations on the event.

Movie review: ‘The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies’

Peter Jackson’s movie concludes his film adaptation of J.R.R Tolkien’s novel The Hobbit; or at least he begins its conclusion, with an extended edition expected later.

‘Lutheran Service Book’ prices to rise Feb. 1

Starting Feb. 1, the price of the book and its accompanying editions will increase by 99 cents.

Photo gallery: Mercy grant provides roofs to Malagasy Lutheran churches

In the extreme southern part of Madagascar, the Malagasy Lutheran Church — known locally as the Fiangonana Loterana Malagasy (FLM) — and the LCMS have joined in a project to install tin roofs on FLM churches around the country.

‘Religious Freedom Day’ resources available

The Synod’s “Free to be Faithful” website adds resources for the Jan. 16 observance.

LCMS offers resources on domestic abuse

The resources are meant to aid church workers, friends, family members and survivors of domestic abuse.

Commentary: Meet your Board of Directors

LCMS Board Chairman Rev. Michael Kumm provides an overview of the Board and its work.

In the January ‘Lutheran Witness’

Readers can learn how Christians are “Free to be Faithful” with regard to key social and religious issues today, specifically those of marriage, life and religious liberty.

Audio: Listen to presentations from the 2014 International Disaster Response Conference

Audio presentations from our 2014 International Disaster Response Conference at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne.

Watch videos about LCMS Disaster Response efforts

The LCMS website has a video library with the latest videos and interviews about LCMS Disaster Response.

Movie review: ‘Exodus: Gods and Kings’

Ridley Scott’s new film can’t be recommended as a “devotional,” but may serve as fertile ground for conversing with others about God.

KFUO: Golter leading 2017 Reformation celebration

Listen to a Dec. 9 interview with KFUO’s Andy Bates and the Rev. Randy Golter, who leads The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in planning the 2017 Reformation 500th anniversary celebration.

Video: What is a Foro?

A Foro, Spanish for “forum,” is a system of support used for LCMS missions and sister churches in Latin America and the Caribbean. Watch to see how you can join!

Lutheran Malaria Initiative: Finishing Strong

The LCMS, in partnership with Lutheran World Relief and with the support of the United Nations Foundation, began engaging districts, congregations and schools in the Lutheran Malaria Initiative (LMI) in fall 2011. Together as a Synod since then, we raised more than $7 million in the global fight against malaria through LMI.

Movie review: ‘The Hunger Games: Mockingjay — Part 1’

Fans of the “Hunger Games” franchise likely will enjoy the film, and it will certainly tide them over until Part 2 debuts in November 2015.