The rollout of the hymnal will involve 14 countries in Latin America.
Worship Resources & Prayers

Three-year schedule of daily Bible readings for 2021 to 2023
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has joined with the Lutheran Church—Canada and the North American Lutheran Church to compile a three-year plan of daily Bible readings and a year-long series of weekly readings on Martin Luther’s approach to the Scriptures.

Synod to celebrate ‘Here I Stand’ Sunday in April
On April 18, the Synod will commemorate the 500th anniversary of Luther’s historic speech at the Diet of Worms by observing “Here I Stand” Sunday,

LCMS Worship: Suggestions for 2021 midweek Lenten services
LCMS Worship provides suggestions for liturgy, psalms, readings, hymns and collects to use during 2021 midweek Lenten services.

Bible study series for COVID-19
New Bible studies address the hardships of the COVID-19 pandemic, reminding the church of God’s Word and promises for difficult times.

New ‘Making Disciples for Life’ Bible studies to address wide range of topics
The Bible studies are particularly suited to the difficulties of COVID-19.

‘Sent to Serve’: New ‘Chapel Talks’ resource now available
The 2020–21 “Chapel Talks” contains 43 devotions — one for each week of the school year — plus services for the beginning and ending of the school year and for Christmas.

Video: How to do family devotions
Pastor Sean Daenzer, director of Worship for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and chaplain for the LCMS International Center, shares how to do family devotions at home.

Collects for the Present Pandemic
In the rapidly changing circumstances of this global pandemic, pastors will know best how to adjust, compose and extemporize prayers for the needs of services, broadcasts and other occasions.

Prayers to use during the pandemic — Palm Sunday and Holy Week
LCMS Worship provides updated prayers of the church for Series A and One-Year Series that congregations may use on Palm Sunday and during Holy Week.

Devotional booklets to use during crisis situations
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod provides four devotional booklets to bring God’s comfort and peace during the coronavirus pandemic and other crisis situations.

Psalm 91 memory challenge
Join your brothers and sisters in Christ as we memorize Psalm 91 together.

Media kit features Easter theme
The kit is designed to allow each parish to add its own information and details about Holy Week and Easter services.

CPH releases two-volume companion to LSB
The volumes contain stories, theological commentary and historical background for all of the hymns in ‘Lutheran Service Book.’

Advent/Christmas media kit free for congregational use
The items in the kit may be personalized with the local parish’s information.

‘Joy:fully Lutheran’ Chapel Talks now available
The resource contains 44 worship outlines, along with opening and closing services, for Lutheran school chapel.