
From the mission field – Updates on COVID-19

OIM executive director encourages missionaries; LCMS funds grants for coronavirus awareness.

LCMS supports medical professionals in Ebola fight

ST. LOUIS, November 14, 2014—Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison announced today a new initiative to deliver aid to combat the spread of Ebola.

Walking with our African partners to fight Ebola

As Ebola continues its deadly sweep across West Africa — the death toll rising to some 3,500 at this writing — the people of the LCMS continue to respond with prayer and support for our relief efforts.

LCMS OKs new grants to fight Ebola in Africa

The three grants totaling $51,175 will be used to help prevent new cases of the often-fatal virus in Guinea and Liberia.

Disaster Response ‘touches lives with Gospel of hope’

It may seem like devastating tragedies are never-ending, but there’s a light in the darkness: LCMS Disaster Response is there, “reaching out with caring and compassion in the name of Christ.”