items wanted available

Items available, wanted (Jan. 2025)

Wanted this month is a set of Luther’s Works.

Items wanted, available (Dec. 2024)

Available this month is a carillon, hymnals and Bibles.

Items wanted, available (Nov. 2024)

Wanted this month is an Advent wreath. Available items include choir robes and communionware.

Items wanted, available (Oct. 2024)

Wanted are handbells or chimes; available are candles and robes.

Items available, wanted (Sept. 2024)

Wanted this month are paraments. Available are hymnals, an organ and other items.

Items wanted, available (August 2024)

Wanted this month is a processional cross. Available are hymnals, books and other items.

Items wanted, available (July 2024)

Wanted this month are organ books; available are hymnals.

Items wanted, available (June 2024)

Available this month are hymnals.

Items wanted, available (May 2024)

Wanted this month are paraments, organ music and hymnals. Available are Bible commentaries.

Items wanted, available (April 2024)

Available this month are hymnals, banners and altar furnishings.

Items wanted, available (March 2024)

Items available this month include a Rodgers organ.

Items wanted, available (Feb. 2024)

Available this month are hymnals and other items.

Items wanted, available (Jan. 2024)

Wanted this month are Bibles.

Items wanted, available (Dec. 2023)

There are a variety of items wanted and available this month.

Items wanted, available (Nov. 2023)

Wanted items this month include Bibles. Available items include paraments and organ shoes.

Items wanted, available (Oct. 2023)

Available this month are candelabras and paraments.