Wanted this month are handbells and Luther’s Works; please see complete notice for long list of items available.
items wanted available
Items wanted, available (Jan. 2018)
Wanted this month are handbells and Luther’s Works; please see complete notice for long list of items available.
Items wanted, available (Dec. 2017)
Wanted this month are stoles, chasubles and a book of Herman Sasse essays; available are paraments and candelabras.
Items wanted, available (November 2017)
Available this month are organs, Bibles and hymnals.
Items wanted, available (July-August 2017)
Available are hymnals, a pipe organ, a baptismal font, a movable lectern, an Advent wreath and a Christmas candle.
Items wanted, available (June 2017)
Available this month are hymnals, paraments and pastor stoles.
Items wanted, available (May 2017)
Available this month are offering plates and commentary books.
Items wanted, available (January 2017)
Available this month are an alb, Advent candles and hymnals.
Items wanted, available (December 2016)
Available this month are an altar, pulpit, lectern and baptismal font.
Items wanted, available (October 2016)
Available this month are hymnals and offering plates.
Items wanted, available (September 2016)
“Available” this month are communionware and hymals.
Items wanted, available (July 2016)
“Available” this month are books, hymn boards, a kneeling rail, hymnals and altar candles.