KFUO Radio host Andy Bates talks with Deaconess Grace Rao, director of LCMS Deaconess Ministry, about the deaconess programs in Nigeria and Lithuania.
Latest Ebola aid: travel scholarships for medical professionals
The Africa travel funds of up to $2,500 each — for airfare, lodging and food — are available to the first 20 applicants.
Rev. Dr. Eugene Linse, former social ministry exec, dies
A funeral service for Linse, 91, is planned for 11 a.m. on Saturday, June 28, in Modena, Wis.
Double disasters open doors for Gospel in Chile
Faced with wildfires and an earthquake less than two weeks apart, the Confessional Lutheran Church of Chile is undeterred in responding to those who need help.
Video tells of mercy after 2010 Chile quake
Lutherans, including LCMS donors, have made it possible for the Synod’s small partner church in Chile to provide mercy to many people affected by one of the strongest earthquakes on record.
National Disaster Response Conference open to all
Anyone with an interest in responding to victims of natural and man-made disasters is welcome to attend the Synod’s Fifth National Disaster Response Conference, Oct. 7-10 in St. Louis.
Mercy resolutions generate overwhelming support, discussion on women in combat
Delegates debate women in combat and give overwhelming support to Mercy floor committee resolutions.
2013 LCMS Mercy Essay Contest Finalist
The annual Mercy Essay Contest is sponsored by the LCMS Office of National Mission to encourage seminary students to engage our Lutheran theology of mercy and its implications in life and ministry. Prof. John Pless of Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, Ind. coordinates the competition each year.
When Disaster Strikes: Worship Resources with Litany
Here are a number of brief resources you may find useful in addressing the sorts of questions that arise among God’s people when faced with disasters in this fallen world. They all seek to refresh the weary with the wonderful promises of God’s Word related to suffering, the end of this age, and the joys of the age that will dawn at our Lord’s return.